Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Maintaining your recovery in the New Year

At Eating Disorder Hope, we understand and empathize with the difficulties and struggles recovery may entail.  Perhaps one of the more challenging periods of recovery is the holiday season, a time that is often excessively centered on food.  Coming into the New Year can be equally taxing as it’s often characterized by impractical resolutions that can set up an individual for feelings of failure or inadequacy if these goals are left unmet.  Consistent dedication and persistence in one’s recovery allow for ongoing success in establishing freedom from an eating disorder, no matter what month of the year we may be in.  While in recovery, it is crucial to remember that every day begins anew, with the promise of a fresh start in spite of the many ups and downs associated with the journey.  You don’t need a New Year to officially begin in order to commemorate your life uncontrolled by an eating disorder.  Your life apart from your eating disorder and the self-depreciation accompanying it starts now and will continue throughout the year-no need for unrealistic resolutions, flawlessness, or perfection, just unyielding dedication to recovery!

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