Monday, September 22, 2008
Nation's Leading Eating Disorder Treatment Center Launches New Program for Boys
Males and Eating Disorders
PHOENIX (September 22, 2008) Remuda Programs for Eating Disorders,the nation's leading eating disorder treatment center,today announced it has opened Reddstone, a Remuda Program for Boys. The intensive, inpatient program will treat boys 17 and under who are struggling with anorexia, bulimia and binge-eating disorder. It will follow the Remuda Model of Treatment that is based on a bio-psycho-social-spiritual framework. The program doesn't just treat the disorder; it treats the entire patient andoffers them the best possible chance for complete and lasting recovery from eating disorders.
Research suggests that 1 in 4 pre-teen cases of anorexia are male. There
are thousands of males with eating disorders in our society. Historically,
it was thought that the ratio of boys to girls with eating disorders was
1:10, but it's actually closer to 1:6.
Over the past 10 years, the male body has come under much scrutiny, much
like the female body has for decades, said Sam Lample, assistant clinical
director for the Reddstone Program for Boys. Boys see images in the media
and are inundated with the message that they need to look that way or
they're inadequate.
Boys remain in treatment for 60 days a minimum amount of time required for
eating disorder behaviors to stop and new skills to be acquired. Each boy
will have a team of professionals, who not only treat the eating disorder,
but address co-occurring issues such as depression, anxiety, substance abuse
or trauma.
Reaching out to boys is the next logical step for Remuda, adds Lample.
We have been asked for years if we treat boys and until now, we haven't.
Reddstone will use the proven Remuda Model of Treatment to reach an often
overlooked population.
Since 1990, Remuda has provided care to nearly 9,000 patients with eating
disorders. Ninety-five percent of Remuda's patients are in good recovery
one, five and ten years after leaving the program. They no longer have a
diagnosable eating disorder, their personal relationships have improved and
they're functioning more effectively in school and work.
About Remuda Ranch Programs for Eating and Anxiety Disorders
Remuda Ranch offers Christian inpatient and residential programs for
individuals of all faiths suffering from eating or anxiety disorders. Each
patient is treated by a multi-disciplinary team including a Psychiatric and
a Primary Care Provider, Registered Dietitian, Masters Level therapist,
Psychologist and Registered Nurse. The professional staff equips each
patient with the right tools to live a healthy, productive life. For more
information, call 1-800-445-1900 or visit
Monday, September 08, 2008
RD position available
Registered Dietitian
Shoreline Center for Eating Disorder Treatment, in Long Beach, CA, which offers a partial hospital / day treatment program, intensive outpatient program, Satori House an Extended Care Residential facility as well as individual outpatient services, is seeking a part-time (16 – 20 hrs) dietitian to join our multi-disciplinary treatment team dedicated to facilitating excellence in eating disorder treatment.
As the Registered Dietitian for our facility, you will assess, plan, implement and evaluate the factors, which influence the nutritional status of patients. Then, using these factors develop individualized meal plans where appropriate. Daily responsibilities also include: participating in team assessments, supporting patients and staff with guidelines for meal preparations and outings, assisting patients with meal planning and proper portioning, developing and facilitating a nutrition groups including an ongoing intuitive eating group. Individual will also provide nutrition therapy for outpatient clients and all clients in Shoreline programming. Additional responsibilities will also include: menu planning and budgeting as well as supervision of diet techs. At Shoreline we adopt the philosophy of assisting our patients to understand and ultimately implement Intuitive Eating skills as they progress in their recovery.
The right candidate will be registered with the American Dietetics Association, and have professional experience in eating disorder treatment. Knowledge of Intuitive Eating concepts necessary. Must also be flexible, compassionate while being able to maintain professional boundaries. Some evening hours required. This position is part-time 16-20 hour job.
For more information on our programs, please see
For immediate consideration, please send cover letter, resume and salary expectations to Rachel Levi, Clinical Director at:
Friday, September 05, 2008
Eating Disorders Coalition Action Alert
Friday, September 5, 2008
Eating Disorders Coalition Action Alert
Forwarded on behalf of the Eating Disorders Coalition
As you know the EDC has been on the ground in Washington DC working hard on behalf the all member organizations and the field to make sure access to care is more of a reality by finally passing a mental health parity bill this year. We are sending this out to see if in addition to adding the EDC name to this bill that urges Congress to pass parity in the next 3 weeks before the session is over – you want to add your specific organization’s name. If so we need you to email us at: and let us know by Monday 4 pm (EST). We apologize for the quick turn around required but that is often the way things happen here on the Hill.
Dear Majority Leader Reid, Leader McConnell, Speaker Pelosi and Leader
addiction parity compromise developed by House and Senate negotiators.
We urge Congress to pass this important legislation before adjourning in
Congress has taken a major step forward in developing this thoughtful
and balanced bipartisan legislation. We applaud the long, hard work
engaged in by you and your colleagues in approving and reconciling the
bipartisan House and Senate parity bills (H.R. 1424, S. 558). We urge
Congress to take the last, most important step by passing this
Passage of the balanced and bipartisan mental health and addiction
parity legislation would represent the fruition of many years of work by
members of Congress, advocates, employer organizations and health plans
to build on the Mental Health Parity Act of 1996. This broad and
diverse coalition stands united in support of the parity compromise.
Now, Congress has the chance to reach the goal of enacting this
consensus legislation, before a new administration and a new Congress
take office, and broader health policy issues begin demanding
policymakers' time and attention.
We ask Congress to pass federal mental health and addiction parity
legislation now.
[Cosigners as of Sept.3]
American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
American Academy of Neurology Professional Association
American Academy of Pediatrics
American Academy of Physician Assistants
American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry
American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy
American Association of Children's Residential Centers
American Association of Pastoral Counselors
American Association of Practicing Psychiatrists
American Benefits Council
American Counseling Association
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
American Group Psychotherapy Association
American Hospital Association
American Jail Association
American Mental Health Counselors Association
American Music Therapy Association
American Nurses Association
American Psychiatric Association
American Psychiatric Nurses Association
American Psychological Association
American Psychotherapy Association
American Public Health Association
American Society of Addiction Medicine
America's Health Insurance Plans
Anxiety Disorders Association of America
Aspire of Western New York
Association for Ambulatory Behavioral Healthcare
Association for Behavioral Health and Wellness
Association for the Advancement of Psychology
Association of University Centers on Disabilities
Association to Benefit Children
Bazelon Center for Mental Health Law
Betty Ford Center
Bradford Health Services
Center for Clinical Social Work/ABE
Child Welfare League of America
Children and Adults with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
Children's Hospital Boston
Clinical Social Work Association
Clinical Social Work Guild 49
Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America
CT Chapter National Alliance Methadone Advocates
Easter Seals
Eating Disorders Coalition
Epilepsy Foundation
Faces & Voices of Recovery
Families for Depression Awareness
Family Voices
Feeling Blue Suicide Prevention Council
General Board of Church and Society of the United Methodist Church
Hazelden Foundation
Human Rights Campaign
Kids Project
Kristin Brooks Hope Center
Learning Disabilities Association of America
Light For Life Foundation International
Mental Health America
Missouri Recovery Network
National Alliance for Hispanic Health
National Alliance on Mental Illness
National Alliance to End Homelessness
National Association for Children of Alcoholics
National Association for Children's Behavioral Health
National Association for Rural Mental Health
National Association for the Dually Diagnosed
National Association of Anorexia Nervosa and Associated Disorders
National Association of Counties
National Association of County and City Health Officials
National Association of County Behavioral Health and Developmental
Disability Directors
National Association of Health Underwriters
National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners
National Association of Psychiatric Health Systems
National Association of School Psychologists
National Association of Social Workers
National Association of State Alcohol and Drug Abuse Directors
National Association of State Directors of Special Education
National Association of State Mental Health Program Directors
National Coalition for the Homeless
National Coalition of Mental Health Professionals and Consumers
National Council for Community Behavioral Healthcare
National Council of Jewish Women
National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence
National Council on Independent Living
National Disability Rights Network
National Down Syndrome Congress
National Down Syndrome Society
National Federation of Families for Children's Mental Health
National Mental Health Awareness Campaign
National Partnership for Women & Families
National Research Center for Women & Families
National Respite Coalition
National Retail Federation
National Asian American Pacific Islander Mental Health Association
Northamerican Association of Masters in Psychology
Obsessive Compulsive Foundation
Presbyterian Church (USA) Washington Office
Schizophrenia and Related Disorders Alliance of America
School Social Work Association of America
Society for Research in Child Development
Society of Professors of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Substance Abuse and Addiction Recovery Alliance of Northern Virginia
Suicide Awareness Voices of Education
Suicide Prevention Action Network USA
The Center for Policy, Advocacy and Education of the Mental Health
Association of NYC
The Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance
Therapeutic Communities of America
Tourette Syndrome Association
Union for Reform Judaism
Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations
United Church of Christ Mental Illness Network
United Church of Christ, Justice and Witness Ministries
United Jewish Communities
US Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association
Yellow Ribbon Suicide Prevention Program
The Agreement: When enacted the new federal parity law will-
* Completely end insurance discrimination against mental health
and substance use disorder benefits for over 113 million Americans,
requiring full parity coverage with physical health benefits.
* Extend to all aspects of plan coverage, including day/visit
limits, dollar limits, coinsurance, copayments, deductibles and
out-of-pocket maximums.
* Preserve strong state parity and consumer protection laws while
extending parity protection to 82 million more people who cannot be
protected by state laws.
* Ensure parity coverage for both in-network and out-of-network
Jeanine Cogan, Ph.D., Policy Director
Eating Disorders Coalition
Thursday, September 04, 2008

Alumni Events in
Voices of Recovery
Hosted by: Jennifer Nardozzi, PsyD
Please join Jennifer Nardozzi, National Training Manager of The Renfrew Center Foundation, and fellow alumni for a special presentation featuring a Renfrew alum who will speak about her journey of recovery and how she made peace with her body and with herself. She will also discuss her love of dance and a recent service trip
Date: Thursday, September 11, 2008
Time: 7:00pm - 8:30pm
6580 Fannin Street
Jennifer Nardozzi, PsyD is a psychologist who specializes in treating women with eating disorders. She was formally Assistant Clinical Direc
Making Peace with the Body You Have
Hosted by: Adrienne Ressler, MA, LMSW, CEDS
Please join Adrienne Ressler, Body Image Specialist and National Training Direc
Date: Thursday, September 25, 2008
Time: 7:00pm - 8:30pm
Place: W Atlanta Hotel
111 Perimeter Center West
Adrienne Ressler, MA, LMSW, CEDS is a certified Eating Disorder Specialist and National Training Direc
To RSVP for either event, please contact Jenna Hoskinson at 1-800-RENFREW, ext. 3246.
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
Washington DC Premiere - America The Beautiful
America the Beautiful:
How America's Obsession with Beauty Contributes to Eating Disorders
Washington DC Premiere - September 10, 2008
Hosted by the Eating Disorders Coalition
America the Beautiful, an independent film that is an indictment of our countrys beauty industry, has received high praise from reviewers and RAVE reviews from the eating disorder community. Roger Ebert declared it a "POWERFUL MESSAGE." To honor and spotlight the screening, and its myth-deflating message, EDC has scheduled a day of events to celebrate the Washington DC premiere of the film.
The EDC is in the forefront of creating legislation to educate the public about medias impact on society, and how irresponsible media affects sufferers and their loved ones. The FREED Act, an EDC initiative, targets education in addition to research and treatment. We believe this film, and the conversation it is creating, is valuable and timely as we gather sponsors and support for this bill.
Congressional Briefing, United States Capitol Room H-137
Hosted by, Congressman Jim Ramstad (R-MN)
Speakers: Julie Holland, Dianne Neumark-Sztainer, Darryl Roberts, and Jenni Schaffer
Reception with special guest filmmaker Darryl Roberts
720 7th Street NW, Suite 300
Price: $40 Junior Tickets, $70 Regular Tickets
Reception Tickets Include one movie ticket
7:00pm 9:30pm
Screening: America The Beautiful followed by a Q & A with the filmmaker Darryl Roberts.
E Street Theater
555 E Street NW (10th and 11th)
Price: $15 online/$20 door
For more information, and to register for these events and buy movie tickets, visit
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
Klarman Family Foundation Grants Program in Eating Disorders Research
Program Officer: Gay Lockwood 617-279-2240 ext. 702
The Klarman Family Foundation Grants Program in Eating Disorders Research was established in 2008 to expand the number of outstanding scientists whose research explores the basic biology of anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and/or binge eating disorder. The long term goal is to accelerate progress in developing effective treatments for these disorders. Examples of funding areas include but are not limited to molecular genetic analysis of relevant neural circuit assembly and function; animal models created by genetically altering neural circuits; testing of new chemical entities that might be used in animal models as exploratory treatments; and brain imaging approaches that identify neurochemical pathways in patients with these disorders. Clinical psychotherapeutic studies, medication trials and research in the medical complications of eating disorders are currently outside the scope of this Program.
For the 2009 cycle, two-year awards of $400,000 ($200,000 per year inclusive of 10% indirect costs) and one-year pilot studies of up to $150,000 (inclusive of 10% indirect costs) will be made to investigators with a faculty appointment at a nonprofit academic, medical or research institution in the United States, Canada or Israel. Eligibility is not limited to those investigators currently working in eating disorders research.
The next application deadline for the Initial Proposal Application is November 20, 2008 for awards beginning on June 1, 2009. Applications will be accepted through an online submission process.
Begin a new application
Continue an existing application
Application Guidelines and Instructions
Additional Reference Documents
Scientific Review Committee