Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Jenni Schaefer & Yale Collaborate
Jenni Schaefer presentation at Yale University
Davenport College Theatre
248 York Street, New Haven, CT
4 pm Presentation (Jenni Schaefer, singer, songwriter & author of: Life Without ED)
*sponsored by ECHO, Davenport College and Center for Change
Jenni Schaefer & College of William & Mary Collaborate

Sadler Center, Room Tidewater B
College of William and Mary
Stadium Drive, Williamsburg, VA 23186
7 pm Presentation
8 pm Book Sale and Signing
Jenni Schaefer works internationally as a speaker and writer to educate about eating disorders and to provide hope that recovery is possible. After struggling for more than twenty years with food and body image issues, Jenni is fully recovered from anorexia and bulimia. Her life is now devoted to helping all individuals touched by the illness. Her groundbreaking book, Life Without Ed: How One Woman Declared Independence from Her Eating Disorder and How You Can Too (McGraw-Hill), introduces a therapeutic technique that has changed the way people view eating disorders:
In the introduction of Life Without Ed, Jenni writes:
"I have never been married, but I am happily divorced. Ed and I lived together for more than twenty years. He was abusive, controlling and never hesitated to tell me what he thought, how I was doing it wrong, and what I should be doing instead. . . Ed is not a high school sweetheart. Ed is not some creep that I started dating in college. . . Ed's name comes from the initials E.D. — as in eating disorder....Ed is my eating disorder. "
* Sponsored by Center for Change and C.A.R.E.S.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Remuda Ranch Reports Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Can Take Spiritual Values and Practices to Unhealthy Levels

Monday, March 23, 2009
Essay Contest sponsored by National Eating Disorders Association
Enter your essay in NEDA's first ever essay contest! NEDA is accepting essay submissions inspired by the quote “What if you didn’t have to change anything about yourself?” Your essay can be any true story, fictional story, interpretation, analysis, or other thoughts on this topic.
What should you write?
We are accepting essay submissions inspired by the quote:
“What if you didn’t have to change anything about yourself?”
Your essay can be any true story, fictional story, interpretation, analysis, or other thoughts on this topic.
What are the requirements?
· Your essay can be no longer than 750 words.
· There is no minimum word requirement.
· The deadline for submitting your essay is March 27th, 2009.
· Before you submit your essay, please review the Guidelines for Sharing Stories of Recovery and Tips for Responsible Media Coverage. If your essay does not follow these guidelines, it will not be eligible for this contest.
How do you submit your essay?
Please email your submissions to essay@myneda.org. The deadline for sending in your essay is March 27, 2009.
How will the winner be chosen?
After March 27h when submissions close, we will review each and every essay we received. Volunteers in the NEDA office will choose one essay they feel is deserving of recognition. The winner will be chosen and notified after all essays have been reviewed.
What do you get if you win?
If you are chosen as the winner of this contest, we will send you a NEDA journal, t-shirt, and pair of flip-flops of your size! Your essay will also appear on our website and highlighted on our homepage!
Have fun and happy writing!
Rader Programs Generous Offer

Sign up Now!
Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Remuda Ranch recently opened a Remuda Life program in
In fact, many patients leave intensive care and return home, only to discover the stress is simply too much for them or their families. If this is the case for a patient of yours, our Remuda Life program may be exactly what she needs to get back on track. We can also help those struggling with Obesity, Compulsive Overeating and Binge-Eating Disorder through our Emotional Eating Program.
If you know someone who could benefit from care at either one of our Remuda Life programs, please refer them to our Admissions Department at 1-800-445-1900.
Monday, March 02, 2009
After a number of years of bringing together key stakeholders in the eating
disorders field, discussing what is needed to improve the lives of people
with eating disorders, writing recommendations for federal policy makers,
drafting these recommendations into legislative language with Congress, and
reworking those - we can now celebrate the fruits of our labor.
On Tuesday, February 25th, 2009 the EDC held a press conference with
Congressman Kennedy in the Capitol Building announcing the introduction of
the first ever comprehensive eating disorders bill in the history of
Congress. The Federal Response to Eliminate Eating Disorders Act otherwise
called the FREED Act, (H.R. 1193) is now in the House and we need you to
contact your Representative and urge them to show their support for this
Rework the sample letter below and make it your own and send it to your
Representative in the House. To find out who your Representative is go to
www.house.gov and put in your zip code. Then look up your Representative in
that directory and go to their website. Here you can contact them through
email. Cut and paste the letter below into the email. I encourage you to
put a sentence or two (not more since short and concise is always better
when communicating with Members of Congress) about your own personal
experience with an eating disorder if you have one. This makes the
communication much more personal and real for them.
Your Name
Street Address
March 3, 2009
The Honorable First Name Last Name
United States House of Representatives
Washington, DC 20515
Dear Congressman(woman) XX,
As a member of the Eating Disorders Coalition and someone who has personally
suffered the impact of living with an eating disorder, I am writing you
today to ask your support for the Federal Response to Eliminate Eating
Disorders Act (H.R. 1193). This is the first comprehensive eating
disorders bill in the history of Congress. By focusing on research,
education, prevention and treatment this bill is a beacon of hope for the
millions of people currently suffering from an eating disorder.
It is estimated that 9 million Americans suffer from anorexia, bulimia,
binge eating and other eating disorders. Eating disorders are associated
with a host of medical complications including cardiac arrhythmia, cognitive
impairment, osteoporosis, infertility, heart failure and most seriously
death. In fact, anorexia nervosa has the highest death rate of all mental
disorders, upwards of 20%.
Research shows that eating disorders can be successfully overcome with early
detection and adequate and appropriate treatment. Unfortunately eating
disorders are often undiagnosed by health professionals and/or access to
treatment is limited. Less than half of all people with eating disorders
receive the treatment needed.
The Federal Response to Eliminate Eating Disorders (the FREED Act) can
change these state of affairs. H.R. 1193 will save lives by providing more
funds for research so that we can better understand, prevent and treat
eating disorders, grant programs that provide training for health
professionals, and steps toward better access to treatment coverage.
We urge you to sign on as a cosponsor of the FREED Act. I look forward to
hearing from you. Thank you again for your consideration.
Warm regards,
First and Last Name
These advocacy efforts can help us pass the FREED Act!
Thank you so much for all your actions - every one of you writing a letter
makes a difference. With enough people taking this step we will make
ourselves heard and will eventually pass this bill!
Jeanine Cogan, Ph.D., Policy Director
Eating Disorders Coalition