Monday, March 17, 2008

DEADLINE EXTENDED! Soul Hunger: Treating Eating Disorders from the Inside Out. For Professionals Working with Eating Disorder & Body Image Issues.

April 11, 9:00 am - noon
Remedy Center for the Healing Arts 4910 Burnet Road, Austin, Tx $55
(CEUs provided for an additional $5)
Experience a lively, interactive presentation where you can learn:Approaches for helping clients understand the connection between theirdisordered eating behavior and their deeper hungers. The life skills essential for recovery from disordered eating and howto bring them into a clinical setting. Techniques for dealing with resistance and denial. How to use the symbolism of food cravings and phobias to discover hidden emotional hungers.
Register online at or Contact Elissa at (512)779-3121 or .

Soul Cycles: Four Faces of the Feminine PsycheSaturday, April 12, 2008 12:30 - 6:30 pm
A powerful workshop for women of all ages with Anita Johnston, Ph.D & Elissa Shapiro, LCSW. Experience the power of the feminine life cycle -- from menarche to menopause -- as it relates to eating, body image, and sexuality. Discover the four feminine archetypes (maiden, mother, queen, crone)traditionally found in ancient storytelling traditions and learn how to use them for healing. Develop a deeper understanding of the power of the sacred feminine --how to embody it and use it for transformation and creativity. What are the Four Faces of the Feminine Psyche and what makes them sacred? They are archetypes that correspond to four significant phases in a woman's life (maiden, mother, queen, crone) and slso correspond to the four seasons of the year (spring, summer, fall, winter), four cycles of the moon (waxing, full, waning, dark), four directions(east, south, west, north), four times of day (dawn, noon, dust, mignight) and four elements (air, fire, water, earth). These archetypal energies are available to the conscious woman for personal growth and healing, regardless of her chronological age. Anita Johnston, Ph.D, internationally known storyteller and Author of Eating in the Light of the Moon & Elissa Shapiro, Licensed Clinical Social Worker & Nia Instructor. $149 before March 21; $169 after March 21***Register online at****Early registration is highly recommended, as space is limited.Contact Elissa at or (512)779-3121 with any questions.Anita Johnston, Ph.D. **Author, Eating in the Light of the Moon.

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