Thursday, December 10, 2009

A New Play for Eating Disorders Programming: Check it out and Please Share with all who might be interested!

“Hunger” is a new play by psychologist and playwright Dr. Peter Langman.

“Hunger” is not a traditional narrative play, but rather a combination of monologues, dialogue, and ritualistic theatrical staging aimed at illuminating the characters’ struggles with food, weight, and eating disorders. The all-female cast includes a college professor, four students, and the “shadow” figure of one of the students, representing all the parts of herself that she denies. The characters cover the spectrum of eating disorders, including a bulimic, a compulsive over-eater, an anorexic who is in touch with her distress, and an anorexic who is in denial. The characters explore their relationships with food, the scale, their bodies, pleasure, fear, themselves, their families, and social pressures to be thin, ultimately discovering what it is that they truly hunger for.

The show runs approximately ninety minutes and is appropriate for high school and college audiences. Two monologues from “Hunger” are published in “Young Women’s Monologues from Contemporary Plays, Vol. 2.”

The script is available from Dr. Langman at

For more information about “Hunger,” please visit

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