Eating Recovery Center
Eating Recovery Center, situated at the foot of the Rockies in beautiful downtown Denver, Colorado, provides individuals 17 and older sustainable recovery from eating disorders. Our comprehensive program offers patients from across the country a continuum of care that includes inpatient, residential, partial hospitalization, intensive outpatient and outpatient services.
Founded by Kenneth L. Weiner, MD, CEDS, and Emmett R. Bishop, MD, CEDS, renowned experts with more than 50 years of combined experience, Eating Recovery Center proves to be the culmination of their vision and expertise.
Medical Management
As a licensed Joint Commission accredited behavioral hospital, Eating Recovery Center’s 24/7 medical management, nursing care and clinical supervision enhance each patient’s stay. Full-time psychiatrists personally oversee the treatment regimen of every patient while an internist and nursing team manage patients’ medical needs. Close proximity to two major hospitals allows a seamless transition to acute care if medical intervention is necessary.
For extremely low-weight patients in a life-threatening condition, medical stabilization may be necessary prior to admission. In such circumstances, support from Dr. Phil Mehler, Chief Medical Officer and world expert on the medical complication of eating disorders at Denver Health Medical Center's A.C.U.T.E. (Acute Comprehensive Urgent Treatment for Eating Disorders) program, is readily available.
Treatment Program
Eating Recovery Center’s uniquely integrated treatment program cultivates lasting behavioral change and sustains long-term recovery. Putting research into practice, our treatment philosophy is drawn from innovative therapeutic methods centered on mindfulness, values orientation and collaboration with loved ones. We are committed to a seamless transition to aftercare and partnership with each patient’s treating professional.
Integrating state-of-the-art design with a warm and nurturing environment, our facility enhances the therapeutic experience through dedicated art therapy, cooking education and massage areas.
Treatment Professionals
Our collaborative team of treatment professionals is not only highly respected for their expertise in the field, but also passionate about each patient’s lasting recovery. This multidisciplinary team includes Certified Eating Disorder Specialists and iaedpTM approved supervisors.
Highlights and Features
- Joint Commission Accredited behavioral hospital
- Collaboration with referring professionals
- Services range from acute inpatient hospitalization to flexible outpatient programs
- Safe and secure location adjacent to a medical complex
- Medical management with 24/7 nursing
- Individual and family counselors
- Personalized meal plans designed by registered dieticians
- Classes on meal creation, menu selection and cooking taught by skilled chefs
- Patients participate in their own weekly treatment meetings
- Clear discharge treatment plans
- Aftercare coordinator works closely with patients and referring professionals
Eating Recovery Center has published a number of informational flyers focused on topics related to eating disorders awareness and treatment. Please contact us to request a copy of one of our flyers or research papers:
- Eating Disorders and Insurance 101
- Eating Disorders in College
- Navigating Holiday Eating with Confidence
- Eating Recovery Center’s Report on Referral Practices

Location/Contact Information
1830 Franklin Street, Suite 500
Denver, Colorado 80218
Toll free: 877-825-8584
Office: 303-825-8584
Fax: 303-825-8585
For more information email: info@eatingrecoverycenter.com
Visit our website: www.EatingRecoveryCenter.com
Chat with us confidentially at www.EatingRecoveryCenter.com.
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