News, Events, Articles, Treatment Center Information, Research, Announcements and Top 10 Tips for Eating Disorder Recovery endorsement program.
Visit Timberline Knolls in the Eating Disorder Specialist Library Anxiety Disorders: What Parents Should Know I. My name is Kerri Coomber and I am completing a PhD in Psychology at Deakin University, Australia. I am looking at the experience of caring for someone recovering from an eating disorder. While we now know a lot about what this is like, we don’t know whether the person in recovery and the carer see the experience of recovery and caregiving similarly or whether their experience is different. I’d like to invite you to share your perspective... Rader Programs
The treatment staff at Rader Programs has been providing high-quality clinical programs for over 20 years. We specialize in the treatment of eating and related disorders. It is our mission to help save the lives of those suffering from eating disorders. The primary purpose of Rader Programs is to treat the dysfunctional behavior in a supportive environment.
A staff of caring and experienced professionals, many who are recovering themselves, assist the affected individual and their family in developing a life long program for recovery. We recognize the complexity of the disorder and understand the medical, psychological, physical, and nutritional aspects of eating disorders. Our treatment approach is centered around the special needs of each individual and we are completely committed to help individuals achieve recovery.
View Rader Programs in the Eating Disorder Specialist Library at:
***Generous Partnering Platinum Sponsor of Eating Disorder Hope ~ Making our Work Possible!
Rader Programs Timberline Knolls ~ Our new 2010 Platinum Sponsor!
Timberline Knolls Residential Treatment Center provides eating disorder treatment for women on 43 beautiful acres just outside of Chicago. We offer a nurturing environment of recovery for women ages 12 and older struggling to overcome eating disorders, with or without other co-occurring disorders such as substance abuse/drug addiction, mood disorders or anxiety disorders.
A leader in eating disorder treatment, Timberline Knolls provides real and lasting help for anorexia, bulimia and binge eating disorders. Timberline Knolls Residential Treatment Center has helped hundreds of women and their families achieve long-term recovery, including many who have suffered repeated relapses because of previously unidentified or under-addressed co-occurring disorders.
Timberline Knolls recognizes that each woman has a unique story, and we are committed to helping her harness her own distinctive strengths. Our expert treatment staff forms a collaborative partnership with the resident, her loved ones and outpatient treatment providers. Together, we craft an individualized eating disorder treatment plan for each woman so she may develop the skills she will need to experience the joys of lifelong recovery.
View Timberline Knolls in the Eating Disorder Specialist Library at:
***Generous Platinum Sponsor of Eating Disorder Hope ~ Making our Work Possible!
Timberline Knolls Eating Disorder Services of Rogers Memorial Hospital
As the largest nonaffiliated, behavioral health provider in Wisconsin, Rogers Memorial Hospital offers specialized eating disorder treatment. Rogers Memorial provides 24-hour inpatient care, residential treatment and partial hospitalization for men, women, adolescents, and children. We also offer specialized care for co-occurring anxiety disorders and were the first organization to offer a male-specific residential program. Treatment is comprised of small, age-specific groups yielding the most individualized treatment possible. The treatment team uses a number of therapies that take place mostly in a group setting, where individuals get feedback not only from the therapist but from their peers as well. Rogers Memorial uses evidence-based treatment components including: Family therapy,Nutrition therapy, Cognitive-behavioral therapy, Pharmacotherapy, Art therapy, Movement and fitness therapy (yoga), Experiential therapy, Substance abuse counseling, Spiritual counseling, One-to-one support, Daily living responsibilities, Community outings and therapeutic passes and a Specialized family and friends program.
Rogers Memorial Hospital has treated thousands of patients and families affected by eating disorders. The staff of over 70 professionals, approach each patient, family, and referring outpatient treatment team with dignity and respect, and invite them to be contributors to the treatment plan. Rogers Memorial is a specialty not-for-profit hospital that has contracts with most major insurance providers in order to provide the best treatment options to the most people. In January 2009, Rogers opened a specialized inpatient eating disorder program for children and adolescents, ages 8 and up. Call Rogers Memorial outreach staff today at 1-800-767-4411 ext. 1310. to learn more or to schedule a tour.
View Rogers Memorial in the Eating Disorder Specialist Library at:
***Generous Platinum Sponsor of Eating Disorder Hope ~ Making our Work Possible!
Rogers Memorial Hospital Remuda Ranch Programs for Eating Disorder and Anxiety Disorders
Remuda Ranch Programs for Eating and Anxiety Disorders
One East Apache Street,
Wickenburg, AZ 85390
Remuda Ranch provides intensive, inpatient and residential treatment for women and girls struggling with anorexia, bulimia and related issues. Each patient receives an individualized treatment plan that is implemented by a multi-disciplinary team of eating disorder professionals. This team includes a psychiatric specialist, a primary care physician, a registered dietitian, a licensed master's or doctoral-level therapist, a psychologist, and registered nurses.
View Remuda Ranch in the Eating Disorder Specialist Library at:
***Generous Platinum Sponsor of Eating Disorder Hope ~ Making our Work Possible!
Remuda Ranch Eating Disorder Specialist Library ~ Featuring Timberline Knolls Residential Treatment Center Timberline Knolls Residential Treatment Center
~Making a Real-Life Difference for Women and Families~
Timberline Knolls is one of the leading residential treatment centers for anorexia nervosa, bulimia, binge eating, and other body image and eating disorders. We specialize in holistic, individualized eating disorder treatment for adult women and adolescent girls (ages 12 and up).
Treatment combines excellence in medical care with awareness that each woman will face unique challenges as she seeks a life without symptoms of her eating disorder.
Our private, wooded 43-acre campus provides a hopeful and nurturing setting for a woman to restore her health, nourish her spirit, and regain confidence that she can enjoy a fulfilling life.
Individualized, Holistic Treatment
Leading eating disorder specialists frequently recommend Timberline Knolls Residential Treatment Center to their patients who need more intensive medical and clinical support. That’s because they know each woman will get the personal attention she needs to make a real-life difference in her own life.
There are no tracks for eating disorders, substance abuse, or other disorders. It doesn’t matter whether a woman seeks anorexia treatment, bulimia treatment, or recovery from compulsive overeating, orthorexia, or other co-occurring disorders. We don’t just treat her disease; we help her learn to help herself by building strength and confidence from within.
Recognized for Excellence
Dr. Kimberly Dennis Timberline Knolls’ treatment team is headed by Kimberly Dennis, MD, a leading psychiatrist specializing in eating disorders. Dr. Dennis and her colleagues are sought out for their extensive expertise treating women with complex cases of anorexia nervosa, bulimia, substance abuse, and other eating and mood disorders.
Additionally, Timberline Knolls Residential Treatment Center has been awarded the Gold Seal of Approval by The Joint Commission, the nation’s leading healthcare accrediting organization.
Personalized Family Therapy
Timberline Knolls Residential Treatment Center approaches family involvement differently than many eating disorder treatment centers. There is no pre-set family week.
Each family is assigned a dedicated family therapist, who will begin working separately with the woman and her loved ones during her first week in treatment. A woman’s family therapist will coordinate with her entire treatment team to arrange campus visits when they can be both clinically beneficial for the resident, and healing for her loved ones.
Hidden Barriers to Recovery?
Our treatment team has a track record of successfully identifying and treating co-occurring disorders, which often lie at the root of repeated relapses for women with anorexia, bulimia and other eating disorders.
This is particularly comforting to the many women who seek treatment at Timberline Knolls after relapsing following past eating disorder treatment. We understand the despair these women and their loved ones are feeling, and commit to making life-long recovery the goal for each of our residents.
The Christian Treatment Path
Our individualized approach allows women the option to customize a Christian treatment program that will reinvigorate their faith while addressing an eating disorder. We have full-time Christian therapists on our staff for women who request one, and also arrange pastoral counselors for women who seek to deepen their understanding of the Bible or Christianity.
Program Highlights
24-hour onsite nursing and medical care
* Expressive therapy, including art in our historic studio
* Equine therapy and pet therapy
* Aftercare planning begins at intake
* Emotion management and behavioral skill development
* State-approved school on-campus, which can support adolescents and college-age women
* Trauma-informed treatment
* Life skills training
Location / Contact Information
Timberline Knolls Residential Treatment Center is located in suburban Chicago near two major airports that offer direct flights from hundreds of cities daily.
40 Timberline Drive
Lemont, IL, 60439
Our licensed admissions counselors are available to provide women and their loved ones with a free, confidential screening and to help assess their treatment needs. Call us today at: 877.257.9611
Visit the entire Eating Disorder Hope Specialist Library @ www.eatingdisorderhope.com/eating-disorder-specialist-library.html and learn of eating disorder treatment specialists across the country. Contact info@eatingdisorderhope.com if you would like to be considered for listing in our Eating Disorder Specialist Library and/or other advertising options on the Eating Disorder Hope website. News from the Academy of Eating Disorders
AED Credentialing Standards for Eating Disorders Inpatient and Residential Treatment
The Academy for Eating Disorders has now posted the AED Credentialing Standards for Eating Disorders Inpatient/Residential Treatment on the AED Web site. We welcome your comments and feedback.
The AED Credentialing Task Force was formed in response to family member concerns generated at a NEDA annual meeting and a desire to promote basic standards to ensure high quality inpatient and residential treatment for eating disorders. It is a multidisciplinary group of expert clinicians, researchers, and patient/family advocates from AED, IAEDP and NEDA.
These three main organizations, along with many others, including national and international leaders in the eating disorders field and related professions, residential/inpatient treatment program directors, insurers, as well as recovered individuals and family members, have jointly worked to develop standards for inpatient/residential treatment over the past six years.
The AED Credentialing Task Force developed the residential/inpatient treatment standards to: (a) safeguard patients and families who seek eating disorders inpatient and residential treatment; (b) review and improve the quality of care offered by inpatient and residential treatment programs, and (c) provide a quality of care benchmark for third party payers to consider as they collaborate with providers in the development of comprehensive models of care and its reimbursement. The standards of care relate to program a) assessment and treatment planning, b) treatment delivery, c) quality improvement and d) outcome measurement.
We have posted the standards so you can examine them in their most up-to-date form. We are now exploring ways to create an accreditation program and voluntary accreditation process that will ensure quality of care and safeguard patients and families in their pursuit and receipt of this care. If you have any further questions or comments regarding the standards, feel free to contact me at tantillo@rochester.rr.com.
~Mary Tantillo PhD RN CS FAED, Chairperson, AED Credentialing Task Force
Visit http://clixtrac.com/goto/?20578 to read more details about the standards and the Credentialing Task Force.
View the AED Credentialing Standards for Eating Disorders Inpatient/Residential Treatment Oliver-Pyatt Treatment Centers
866-511-HEAL (4325)
The Oliver-Pyatt Centers’ programs are tailored to meet the unique needs of each client, addressing the core issues driving the eating disorder while providing the tools needed to live a meaningful life, free from food and weight preoccupation.
We believe that one-to-one therapy is the cornerstone of effective eating disorder treatment, and it is the primary reason to choose the Oliver-Pyatt Centers. Each client receives a minimum of six individual therapy sessions per week. Our comprehensive, naturalistic, and highly individualized approach to treatment is provided in an intimate environment with a high staff to client ratio. We have a maximum of ten clients in each of our programs.
Our innovative protocols are grounded in a thorough understanding of eating disorders, incorporating state of the art approaches, outcome data, research, and current medical knowledge, all with the support of our compassionate multi-disciplinary treatment team.
View Oliver-Pyatt Treatment Centers in the Eating Disorder Specialist Library at: http://www.eatingdisorderhope.com/eating-disorder-specialist-oliver-pyatt.html
Oliver-Pyatt Treatment Centers EVENTS CALENDAR...
June 21-July 29, 2010
Girls in Motion Summer Camps
Girls in Motion has become a part of The Elisa Project. Our summer camps provide girls ages 10-12 yrs old with a unique learning experience. Pre-adolescent girls are paired with trained female mentors for discussion and education about healthy body image, exercise and nutrition. Fun games, learning to make healthy snacks, and physical activity are a part of every day. Visit our website for details on registration and cost. For more details, click here.
June 22, 2010
FREE, annual Dawn Farm Education Series; 7:30 pm to 9:00 pm
St. Joseph Mercy Hospital Education Center, 5305 Elliott Drive, Ypsilanti, Michigan 48197.
For information, please contact Matt Statman, Education Series Coordinator, at 734-485-8725 or info@dawnfarm.org, or see http://www.dawnfarm.org/edseries.html.
July 23, 2010
Workshop for Professionals. An Inside Look: Working with the Resistant Eating Disorder Patient and the Pharmacological Treatments for Addictive Disorders
Bethesda, MD
co-hosted by Oliver-Pyatt Centers and Promises Treatment Centers, with presentations from Dr. Wendy Oliver-Pyatt and Dr. David Sack.
Eating disorders and addictive disorders often go hand in hand. This workshop will provide information and guidance on state of the art treatments as well as information on the identification of co-occurring psychiatric disorders. Topics include treatment resistance, FDA approved treatments for drug and alcohol dependency, and a review of novel treatments currently in development. This workshop will equip professionals with the most current approaches on the treatment of these disorders from a medical, psychological, and pharmacological perspective. 4 CEC's. For more information or to register, visit http://workshops.promises.com, or call 866-825-1104.
August 13-14, 2010
2nd Annual Rocky Mountain Eating Disorders Conference
Marriott City Center, Denver, Colorado
The conference will focus on clinical advancements in the treatment of anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and EDNOS, as well as innovative strategies for addressing the complexities of these disorders. Following is a brief sampling of sessions and speakers:
Key Ingredients for Creating a Center of Excellence: A Primer for Building a Successful Program
Kenneth L. Weiner, MD, CEDS
Escaping the Wilderness: Recovery from Anorexia
Emmett R. Bishop, Jr., MD, CEDS
Medical Complications of Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia
Philip Mehler, MD, FACP, CEDS
The Willing and Able: Understanding the Adolescent Brain in the Treatment of Eating Disorders
Ovidio Bermudez, MD, FAAP, FSAM, FAED, CEDS
New Models of Family Therapy in the Treatment of Eating Disorders
Craig Johnson, PhD, FAED, CEDS
The Mindful Therapist
Carolyn Costin, MA, Med, MFT, CEDS
To receive a brochure or to register for the 2nd Annual Rocky Mountain Eating Disorders Conference, visit www.EatingRecoveryCenter.com or contact Sarah Gilstrap, Marketing and Intake Coordinator, at (877) 218-1344 or (720) 258-4008 or email sgilstrap@EatingRecoveryCenter.com.
September 25, 2010
Eating Disorders: State of The Art Treatment
The Center for Eating Disorders at Sheppard Pratt’s Annual Professional Symposium
This one-day intensive training program offers attendees a rare opportunity to hear from six of the nation's leading authorities on eating disorder treatment in a single day. Offering 7 CMEs/CEUs.
Featured Presenters: Kathryn Zerbe, M.D., Kelly Vitousek, Ph.D., Scott Crow, M.D., Daniel Le Grange, Ph.D., Marcia Herrin, Ed.D., MPH, RD, and James Lock, M.D., Ph.D.,
7:00am-5:00pm, continental breakfast and catered lunch included
Location: The Conference Center at Sheppard Pratt in Baltimore, Maryland
Now accepting registrations! Download the Program Schedule for complete event details including payment and registration information. You may also visit www.eatingdisorder.org for more information. Please contact (410) 938-4593 with any questions.
October 8-10, 2010
National Eating Disorders 2010 Conference: Building Bridges to Recovery
Marriott New York, at the Brookly Bridge
New York
information at: http://www.nationaleatingdisorders.org/programs-events/annual-neda-conference.php
October 21-23, 2010
Jubilee Congress on Eating Disorders
A celebration of the 20th anniversary of the Austrian Network Eating Disorders & 10th anniversary of the Austrian Society on Eating Disorders (ASED)
Information @ http://www.netzwerk-essstoerungen.at/kongress10/
E-mail: guenther.rathner@i-med.ac.at
November 12 -14, 2010
The Renfrew Center Foundation Celebrates its 20th Annual Conference for Professionals, Feminist Perspectives and Beyond: Honoring the Past, Embracing the Future.
Philadelphia Airport Marriott, Philadelphia, PA
This is a 3-day seminar for behavioral health professionals and dietitians and offers 17 CEUs. For more information, please visit http://www.renfrew.org/news-events/events/20th.html or contact Debbie Lucker at 1-877-367-3383 or dlucker@renfrew.org.
March 30, 2011
BEDA National Conference (March 30-April 2)
Registration and details to come
Learn More About These Events
The EATING DISORDER TREATMENT PROGRAM at SeaSide Palm Beach specializes in helping individuals who suffer from a dual diagnosis or co-occurring disorders, which is when an individual suffers simultaneously from both a psychiatric disorder (like an eating disorder) as well as a substance abuse problem (like alcohol abuse or drug abuse).
Most people are very surprised to learn that eating disorders have little to do with food. Especially when one considers that many people who suffer from eating disorders actually have an unhealthy obsession with food. In the majority of cases, eating disorders have more to do with a lack of emotional well-being resulting from their inability to identify and communicate their own needs and wants effectively to others.
To find out more please call us 24/7 toll-free at (888) 432-2467 today for help!
202 Lake Miriam Drive Suite E13
Lakeland, Florida 33813
~Offering National & International Care~
Hi my name is Lisa Hatten. I opened La Bonne Maison after a twenty year battle with Bulimia and Binge eating disorder. I am living Proof that it is possible to recover and live a fullfilled life. HOPE is what i bring to my program. La Bonne Maison is a restorative living home for women suffering with Bulimia and Binge eating disorders set in sunny Florida. My program offers a 30-120 day intense program for women ages 18 and up. Please visit my website at www.mylabonnemaison.com.
View La Bonne Maison in the Eating Disorder Specialist Library at:
Visit La Bonne Maison Puente de Vida - "Bridge of Life"
A Place for Hope, Recovery and Healing from Eating Disorders
P.O. Box 86020, San Diego, CA
858-581-1239 or 877-995-4337
Puente de Vida treats Anorexia and Bulimia; males and females, adolescents (ages 15 and up) and adults who live locally, nationally and internationally. Offering individual therapy, nutritional counseling, family therapy, couples therapy, group therapy, support groups, inpatient, residential treatment center. Puente de Vida is a place where therapeutic services are offered to those ages 15 years and older with eating disorders, including those with co-occurring substance use and other disorders. A private six bed, home-like facility, located in beautiful San Diego, provides an excellent setting for the sensitive, inner work that takes place. Puente de Vida's treatment philosophy addresses not just the symptoms but also the underlying issues beneath the surface of eating disorders. An individualized treatment approach includes traditional treatment interventions as well as experiential treatment by our multidisciplinary treatment team. Puente de Vida recognizes that every recovery journey is different and complex and assists the individual in finding their unique path and support in recovery.
View Puente de Vida Programs in the Eating Disorder Specialist Library at: http://clixtrac.com/goto/?10330
Puente de Vida Article: Anxiety as a Co-Occurring Disorder with Eating Disorders
@ Remuda Ranch Programs for Eating and Anxiety Disorders
Anxiety disorders are not new! They have been around for many, many years. What distinguishes today from a hundred years ago is our level of understanding. An individual who suffered from an obsessive-compulsive disorder in decades past was probably considered crazy. Not today. Fortunately, not only do we possess understanding, but we can offer help to people with anxiety disorders.
Although it may seem difficult to imagine or believe, today anxiety disorders are the most commonly diagnosed psychiatric illnesses in young people. About 13% of all children and adolescents ages 9 to17 experience some kind of anxiety disorder. As with many psychiatric issues, the prevalence of anxiety is higher in girls than boys.
It is important for everyone, especially parents, to know what an anxiety disorder is and what it is not. If a girl is anxious about standing up in front of the class and giving a speech, or a teen gets a case of "butterflies" before a big exam, this is not a disorder. This is simply the basic nervousness we've all come to expect under certain situations. However, if a child is so anxious about interacting with her peers that she is unable to attend school, or she absolutely refuses to leave home or go to a shopping mall because it is too terrifying, this should be considered a red flag. In other words, it is a matter of degree. When anxiety graduates from a feeling of mild discomfort to complete irrational panic and when the fear is so great that the child begins avoiding people and situations and her functioning is impaired, something is definitely wrong.
Above all, it is critical for a parent to understand that anxiety disorders are very real. This is often difficult for parents to accept simply because anxiety disorders cannot be seen. A wound is immediately apparent; a broken bone shows up on an x-ray; diabetes is detected through blood and urine testing. But when a child or adolescent suffers from an anxiety disorder, we can only rely on her behaviors and her self-report as evidence of what she is experiencing internally. Extreme anxiety, and all of its accompanying manifestations-increased heart rate, sweating, hyperventilation, abdominal distress-is very real to the person who is suffering...... Thank you to our Supporters for Sharing the Top Ten Tips for Eating Disorder Recovery with sufferers
Top 10 Tips for Eating Disorder Recovery
1. Work with an eating disorder specialist treatment team if possible, if not, seek out some of the many wonderful self help programs available to assist you in recovery.
2. Develop self acceptance through practicing compassion toward self.
3. Develop a positive and self nurturing internal dialogue.
4. Get treatment for co-occurring disorders such as anxiety and depression.
5. Practice mindfulness and living in the moment.
6. Listen to and honor your feelings.
7. Eat well and listen to your body's hunger and fullness signs.
8. Accept your genetic makeup and appreciate your body.
9. Have a relapse prevention or correction plan.
10. Develop faith and trust in God and let go of what you cannot control.
A heartfelt thank you to these friends of Eating Disorder Hope that are helping to spread the news of the Top Ten Tips for Eating Disorder Recovery. We hope many find inspiration and encouragement in these 10 ideas for building a healthy ed recovery plan!
Cheryl Kerrigan, Author and Speaker
Telling ED NO! and Other Practical Tools to Conquer Your Eating Disorder and Find Freedom
P.O. Box 687
Sudbury, MA 01776
NORMAL In Schools (NIS) is a national nonprofit arts-and-education organization that educates about the devastating impact of eating disorders, the therapeutic impact of the arts, and related issues such as body image, self esteem and family communication.
Robyn Hussa ~ President and Founder
P.O. Box 20965
Milwaukee, WI 53220
St. Joseph's Villa
Harmony Place(part of St. Josephs Villa) is an adolescent eating disorders residential treatment program located in Rochester, NY
3300 Dewey Avenue
Rochester, NY 14616
(585) 865-1550, ext. 117
***Please let us know if you have helped support our mission to spread hope and inspiration, by posting the link to the Top 10 Tips for Eating Disorder Recovery on your website, and we would like to publicly thank you, and announce your University, Treatment Center or Individual as a Supporter of Eating Disorder Hope, in our next newsletter!
Here is the link page format and text:
(text for link) Top 10 Tips for Eating Disorder Recovery
(link html) http://www.eatingdisorderhope.com/top-10-tips-for-eating-disorder-recovery.html
Get your free downloadable copy of the Top Ten Tips for Eating Disorder Recovery here Research
II. Eating Disorder Psychotherapists Who Have a Personal History of an Eating Disorder: Exploring the Experience of Professional Ethics. For more information, please contact Meris Williams (doctoral candidate in Counselling Psychology at UBC) at 604-321-1904, meris.williams@gmail.com, or ed.therapist.study@gmail.com, or access the following website:
III. Looking Beyond the Surface Acceptance-based separated family treatment for adolescents with anorexia nervosa. This is a collaborative study between Duke University Medical Center and Towson University. For whom is this study appropriate? 1) Adolescents between 12-18 2) who are medically stable for outpatient treatment 3) and who have symptoms of anorexia nervosa What can I expect? This study involves 20 sessions. In sessions 1-16 adolescents and parents are seen seperately; and in sessions 17-20 the family meets together. As this is a new treatment, participants will be asked to complete a number of questionnaires on the computer, provide feedback about the treatment, and participate in focus groups. Please call Lisa K. Honeycutt at 919-684-0353 or email her at edresearch@duke.edu.
IV. Research Study using MRI to examine Bulimia Nervosa in adolescent girls
Would you like to participate in a research study?
WHO CAN PARTICIPATE: *12-21 yrs old *Females *All ethnicities
WHERE: The study will take place at the New York State Psychiatric Institute, 1051 Riverside Drive in Manhattan.
WHAT WILL HAPPEN: Participation in our study will include a visit that will require 5-6 hours of your time and include interviews, games and puzzles, and an MRI. The total compensation will be $100 per person. For more information please call the Eating Disorders Clinic at (212) 543-5316 and mention the BN MRI study.
Contact: Rachel Marsh, Ph.D. @ (212) 543-5316 or
Email: marshr@childpsych.columbia.edu or lb2518@columbia.edu Eating Disorder Jobs
EatingDisorderJobs.com – Looking for a job? We have everything dedicated to careers in the field of eating disorders. Find current job openings, career opportunities, continuing education, advice from the experts… everything eating disorders all in one site. For recent grads, seasoned professionals and students. Our mission: to connect job seekers with employers, to keep current professionals enthusiastic about the field and what it has to offer, and to guide students into careers where they can make a difference.
Visit Eating Disorder Jobs website
Thank you for being a friend of Eating Disorder Hope. We will continue to provide you with important information, resources and encouragement regarding eating disorder recovery in our newsletters.
--Jacquelyn Ekern, MS, LPC
Director @ Eating Disorder Hope
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