News, Events, Articles, Treatment Center Information, Research and Announcements.
Eating Recovery Center is a world class resource offering state-of-the-art treatment for individuals suffering from anorexia and bulimia. We are able to treat some of the most acutely ill eating disordered individuals across a full spectrum of services including Inpatient, Residential, Partial Hospitalization (PHP), Intensive Outpatient (IOP) and Outpatient Services. Our compassionate team of professionals collaborates with treating professionals and loved ones to cultivate lasting behavioral change. To further expand our scope of services, we are expanding our services and will be opening a facility to treat adolescent patients in the Lowry area of Denver, Colorado. We are seeking skilled individuals who want to join our team...read more at: www.eatingdisorderhope.com/professionals-section-employment-opportunities.html Check out our extensive national Support Group List. Find help for yourself or share your group with our website visitors. To submit a group for inclusion, please email the brief details of the group to: info@eatingdisorderhope.com. The group is subject to our approval, and once approved, will be posted to our site and linked back to your organization. Eating Disorder Hope would be appreciative of your providing a reciprocal link to us, as an eating disorder resource, on your site. By Kimberly Dennis, MD Men and Women Needed for UT Southwestern Medical Center Research. Men and women with anorexia nervosa or other eating disorders are invited to participate in a study about the neurological and genetic basis of eating disorders. Inclusion Criteria: ages 8-70 years of age, males and females, all races and ethnicities, outpatient, inpatient, or partial hospitalization patients, capable of providing informed consent. Study Participation Involves: clinical interview, questionnaires and short quizzes, short blood draw if participating in DNA study For more information or to enroll in this study please email: edresearch@utsouthwestern.edu Timberline Knolls Residential Treatment Center
Timberline Knolls Residential Treatment Center provides eating disorder treatment for women on 43 beautiful acres just outside of Chicago. We offer a nurturing environment of recovery for women ages 12 and older struggling to overcome eating disorders, with or without other co-occurring disorders such as substance abuse/drug addiction, mood disorders or anxiety disorders.
A leader in eating disorder treatment, Timberline Knolls provides real and lasting help for anorexia, bulimia and binge eating disorders. Timberline Knolls Residential Treatment Center has helped hundreds of women and their families achieve long-term recovery, including many who have suffered repeated relapses because of previously unidentified or under-addressed co-occurring disorders.
Timberline Knolls recognizes that each woman has a unique story, and we are committed to helping her harness her own distinctive strengths. Our expert treatment staff forms a collaborative partnership with the resident, her loved ones and outpatient treatment providers. Together, we craft an individualized eating disorder treatment plan for each woman so she may develop the skills she will need to experience the joys of lifelong recovery.
View Timberline Knolls in the Eating Disorder Specialist Library at:
***Generous Partnering Platinum Sponsor of Eating Disorder Hope ~ Making our Work Possible!
Timberline Knolls Remuda Ranch Programs for Eating Disorder and Anxiety Disorders
Remuda Ranch Programs for Eating and Anxiety Disorders
One East Apache Street,
Wickenburg, AZ 85390
Remuda Ranch Programs for Eating and Anxiety Disorders provides intensive treatment to women and girls. We treat anorexia, bulimia, anxiety, and related issues.
Women and girls stay for 45-60 days, which is the minimum time required for true and lasting change to occur. Treatment takes place in peaceful ranch-like settings in Arizona and Virginia. Separate, age-appropriate programs ensure that patients are surrounded by their peers and receive treatment from professionals specializing in that specific age group.
Patients receive an individualized treatment plan designed to meet their precise medical, emotional, psychological and spiritual needs. Each woman and girl has a multi-disciplinary treatment team dedicated to helping her get well. This team includes a psychiatric specialist, a primary care physician, a registered dietitian, a licensed master's or doctoral-level therapist, a psychologist, and registered nurses. In addition to individual and group therapy, patients engage in innovative treatment strategies such as equine, art, body image and challenge course.
Remuda Ranch also offers an Emotional Eating Program. This 30-day residential program is designed to help women and girls struggling with obesity, compulsive overeating and binge eating disorder.
And for those whose eating disorder symptoms are less acute, the Remuda Life Program offers residential treatment. The time spent in this program, with individual and group therapy, often proves exactly what women and girls need to commit to recovery.
Since 1990, more than 10,000 individuals have trusted their care to Remuda Ranch. For additional information about our programs, please call 1-800-445-1900 today.
View Remuda Ranch in the Eating Disorder Specialist Library at:
***Generous Platinum Sponsor of Eating Disorder Hope ~ Making our Work Possible!
Remuda Ranch Eating Disorder Services of Rogers Memorial Hospital
As the largest nonaffiliated, behavioral health provider in Wisconsin, Rogers Memorial Hospital offers specialized eating disorder treatment. Rogers Memorial provides 24-hour inpatient care, residential treatment and partial hospitalization for men, women, adolescents, and children. We also offer specialized care for co-occurring anxiety disorders and were the first organization to offer a male-specific residential program. Treatment is comprised of small, age-specific groups yielding the most individualized treatment possible. The treatment team uses a number of therapies that take place mostly in a group setting, where individuals get feedback not only from the therapist but from their peers as well. Rogers Memorial uses evidence-based treatment components including: Family therapy,Nutrition therapy, Cognitive-behavioral therapy, Pharmacotherapy, Art therapy, Movement and fitness therapy (yoga), Experiential therapy, Substance abuse counseling, Spiritual counseling, One-to-one support, Daily living responsibilities, Community outings and therapeutic passes and a Specialized family and friends program.
Rogers Memorial Hospital has treated thousands of patients and families affected by eating disorders. The staff of over 70 professionals, approach each patient, family, and referring outpatient treatment team with dignity and respect, and invite them to be contributors to the treatment plan. Rogers Memorial is a specialty not-for-profit hospital that has contracts with most major insurance providers in order to provide the best treatment options to the most people. In January 2009, Rogers opened a specialized inpatient eating disorder program for children and adolescents, ages 8 and up. Call Rogers Memorial outreach staff today at 1-800-767-4411 ext. 1310. to learn more or to schedule a tour.
View Rogers Memorial in the Eating Disorder Specialist Library at:
***Generous Platinum Sponsor of Eating Disorder Hope ~ Making our Work Possible!
Rogers Memorial Hospital Employment Opportunities in the Field of Eating Disorder Treatment
Shoreline Center for Eating Disorder Treatment, located in the beachside community of Long Beach, CA is recruiting a full time Program Director / Primary Therapist to oversee the daily administration of our PHP and IOP programs. This position requires both management and direct client responsibilities...read more at:
www.eatingdisorderhope.com/professionals-section-employment-opportunities.html Support Groups: Did you know that you can list your ed support group for free on Eating Disorder Hope? Oliver-Pyatt Treatment Centers
866-511-HEAL (4325)
The Oliver-Pyatt Centers’ programs are tailored to meet the unique needs of each client, addressing the core issues driving the eating disorder while providing the tools needed to live a meaningful life, free from food and weight preoccupation.
We believe that one-to-one therapy is the cornerstone of effective eating disorder treatment, and it is the primary reason to choose the Oliver-Pyatt Centers. Each client receives a minimum of six individual therapy sessions per week. Our comprehensive, naturalistic, and highly individualized approach to treatment is provided in an intimate environment with a high staff to client ratio. We have a maximum of ten clients in each of our programs.
Our innovative protocols are grounded in a thorough understanding of eating disorders, incorporating state of the art approaches, outcome data, research, and current medical knowledge, all with the support of our compassionate multi-disciplinary treatment team.
View Oliver-Pyatt Treatment Centers in the Eating Disorder Specialist Library at: http://www.eatingdisorderhope.com/eating-disorder-specialist-oliver-pyatt.html
Oliver-Pyatt Treatment Centers
Nestled in the quiet town of Redlands, California, Loma Linda University Behavioral Medicine Center stands alone in its community as having the only Joint Commission accredited hospital-based outpatient eating disorder program. For almost ten years we have been providing treatment for adolescents and adults struggling with anorexia and bulimia and offer a safe and hopeful environment in which the individual can explore and examine the issues that contribute to their eating disorder. For more information on our services, call 909-558-9286 or visit us on the web at: www.llubmc.org.
Loma Linda University Behavioral Medicine Center
The EATING DISORDER TREATMENT PROGRAM at SeaSide Palm Beach specializes in helping individuals who suffer from a dual diagnosis or co-occurring disorders, which is when an individual suffers simultaneously from both a psychiatric disorder (like an eating disorder) as well as a substance abuse problem (like alcohol abuse or drug abuse).
Most people are very surprised to learn that eating disorders have little to do with food. Especially when one considers that many people who suffer from eating disorders actually have an unhealthy obsession with food. In the majority of cases, eating disorders have more to do with a lack of emotional well-being resulting from their inability to identify and communicate their own needs and wants effectively to others.
To find out more please call us 24/7 toll-free at (888) 432-2467 today for help!
The EATING DISORDER TREATMENT PROGRAM at SeaSide Palm Beach Featured Article: Experience and Strength with Eating Disorder Recovery in Female Athletes
Dr. Kimberly Dennis is the Medical Director for Timberline Knolls Residential Treatment Center.
Eating disorders and disordered eating are commonly experienced by female athletes, but sorely under recognized by coaches, teachers, parents, therapists and physicians. I use the term disordered eating to include sub-clinical eating disorders as well as eating disorders which meet full DSM-IV-TR criteria for anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, eating disorder not otherwise specified, and binge-eating disorder.
There are several core features of the illness of eating disorders, which may be particularly exacerbated in the athletic arena for females.
Denial is one core feature of eating disorders and other addictive processes. In my clinical experience, the level of institutional denial of eating disorders in athletes exceeds that of non-athlete females with eating disorders. The fire of denial can be fed by coaches who rely on the exceptional talent and extreme drive for success that many athletes possess to win games, titles, awards, etc. When a female athlete is still winning or competing and ill, it may be easier to disavow an active problem with food or eating.
Another character trait that has been shown by clinical research to be abundantly present in patients with eating disorders is perfectionism. Competitive athletes rely on precision and "perfect" execution of planned movements, behaviors, training rituals in order to succeed and win.
Competitiveness itself is another trait commonly seen in individuals with eating disorders. Finally, the psychosexual implications of being a female may also contribute to the increased prevalence and risk of disordered eating among female athletes. Most athlete role models are men (with the exception of aesthetic sports such as dance, cheerleading, synchronized swimming). The female athlete may feel more pressure to masculinize her body and become more muscular. She may also seek to avoid menstruation, with its inherent cyclical fluctuations affecting our bodies and moods, since stability, consistency, and control are important for athletic performance and success. The triggering of such traits and their perceived importance in successful athletes are a set-up for female athletes with genetic, familial, psychosocial predispositions for eating disorders.... La Bonne Maison
202 Lake Miriam Drive Suite E13
Lakeland, Florida 33813
~Offering National & International Care~
Hi my name is Lisa Hatten. I opened La Bonne Maison after a twenty year battle with Bulimia and Binge eating disorder. I am living Proof that it is possible to recover and live a fullfilled life. HOPE is what i bring to my program. La Bonne Maison is a restorative living home for women suffering with Bulimia and Binge eating disorders set in sunny Florida. My program offers a 30-120 day intense program for women ages 18 and up. Please visit my website at www.mylabonnemaison.com.
View La Bonne Maison in the Eating Disorder Specialist Library at:
Visit La Bonne Maison EVENTS CALENDAR...
August, 2010
August 18 – Please join us as Jena Morrow, a behavior specialist at Timberline Knolls and the author of Hollow: An Unpolished Tale, shares her true story of her battle with anorexia and how her faith helped her find recovery. A Q&A session and book signing for participants will immediately follow the presentation. The event begins at 7 p.m. on the TCU Campus in the Cox Banquet Room at the Kelly Alumni Center, 2820 Stadium Drive, Fort Worth, Texas. Hosted by TCU Counseling Center and sponsored by Meier Clinics, Timberline Knolls and Eating Disorder Hope. For more information, contact Shannon DeVilbiss, 214.862.8040 or sdevilbiss@timberlineknolls.com.
August 19 - Please join Timberline Knolls as Jena Morrow, a behavior specialist at Timberline Knolls and the author of Hollow: An Unpolished Tale, shares her true story of her battle with anorexia and how her faith helped her find recovery. A Q&A session and book signing for participants will immediately follow the presentation. The event begins at 7 p.m. at Hunters Glen Baptist Church, 4001 Custer Road, Building 3 Auditorium, Plano, Texas, and is sponsored by Meier Clinics and Timberline Knolls. For more information, contact Shannon DeVilbiss, 214.862.8040 or sdevilbiss@timberlineknolls.com.
August 20 – Please join TImberline Knolls for lunch and a presentation by Jena Morrow, a behavior specialist at Timberline Knolls and the author of Hollow: An Unpolished Tale, as she shares her true story of her battle with anorexia and how her faith helped her find recovery. A Q&A session and book signing for participants will immediately follow lunch and the presentation. The event will be held at Noon- 1:30 p.m. at Mattito’s Cafe, 3011 Routh Street, Dallas, Texas, and is sponsored by Meier Clinics, Timberline Knolls and The Elisa Project. RSVP by August 17 to Shannon DeVilbiss, 214.862.8040 or sdevilbiss@timberlineknolls.com.
August 20 – Please join us and other local professionals for an afternoon of fellowship and support in an open discussion on issues surrounding spiritual strong hold in psychotherapy – to provide patients with a sense of investment, empowerment and ownership of their recovery process. Hosted by Timberline Knolls and Vision Quest Psychological Services, the event will be held at Vanguard University, 55 Fair Drive, Cosa Mesa, California. RSVP by August 15 to Kara Miller, 949.413.6945 or kmiller@timberlineknolls.com.
August 24 – You’re invited to network over lunch with colleagues from around the area as we share new and innovative approaches to treatment. Hosted by Timberline Knolls and Promises Treatment Center, the event will be held from 11:30 a.m.- 1:30 p.m. at Tarpys Roadhouse, 2999 Monterey Salinas Highway, Monterey, California. RSVP by August 19 to Kara Miller, 949.413.6945 or kmiller@timberlineknolls.com.
August 25 – Please join us for an exciting opportunity to network over dinner with colleagues as we share new and innovative approaches to treatment. Hosted by Timberline Knolls and Promises Treatment Center, the event will be held at 6 p.m. at IL Fornaio, 223 Madera Town Center, Corte Madera, California. RSVP by August 19 to Kara Miller, 949.413.6945 or kmiller@timberlineknolls.com.
September 1 – Helping to kick off National Recovery Month, Timberline Knolls will have a display table and co-sponsor a breakfast at the California Association of Addiction Recovery Resources’ 2010 recovery happens celebration on the west steps of the State Capitol building in California. Over the years, the Recovery Month campaign has joined together millions of people to celebrate recovery and educate communities about addiction. For more information, contact Kara Miller, 949.413.6945 or kmiller@timberlineknolls.com.
September 3 – Please join Timberline Knolls for an intimate networking brunch and presentation, “Strengthening the Spirit and Restoring the Soul: Identifying, Understanding and Healing the Blocks with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit” to be given by Margaret Nagib, PsyD. The event will be held at The Egg and I restaurant at 3228 E. Hebron Parkway in Carrollton, Texas. Please RSVP by August 30 to Shannon DeVilbiss, 214.862.8040 or sdevilbiss@timberlineknolls.com.
September 2-3, 2010
If not dieting® Health Professional 2-day Training Program
The Treacy Conference Centre, 126 The Avenue, Parkville, Melbourne, Australia. Email: louise@ifnotdieting.com.au Phone: 03 9482 2106
PDF Flyer can be downloaded
September 23, 2010
A Full-day Training Seminar for Professionals on Eating Disorders, and Trauma.
Becoming an Embodied Therapist: Accessing the Language of the Body in Treatment
Brooklyn, NY
This all day seminar offers the opportunity for professionals to learn how to discover and trust their innate ability to "attend" empathically, respond authentically, and translate non-verbal experiences into cognitive insights.
This seminar is being sponsored by the American Dance Therapy Association as part of their 45th Annual Conference, Creating the Mind-Body Mosaic: Theory, Research and Practice in Dance/Movement Therapy. The ADTA ( Provider #5739) is recognized by the National Board of Certified Counselors ( NBCC) and will offer six continuing education hours for attendance at this seminar. For more information, please contact The American Dance therapy Association: 410/997-4040,
Email Gloria@ADTA.org or The Renfrew Center of Florida: Susan kleinman: 954/698-9222, ext 2087 or Email Skdmt2@bellsouth.net.
September 25, 2010
Eating Disorders: State of The Art Treatment
The Center for Eating Disorders at Sheppard Pratt’s Annual Professional Symposium
This one-day intensive training program offers attendees a rare opportunity to hear from six of the nation's leading authorities on eating disorder treatment in a single day. Offering 7 CMEs/CEUs.
Featured Presenters: Kathryn Zerbe, M.D., Kelly Vitousek, Ph.D., Scott Crow, M.D., Daniel Le Grange, Ph.D., Marcia Herrin, Ed.D., MPH, RD, and James Lock, M.D., Ph.D.,
7:00am-5:00pm, continental breakfast and catered lunch included
Location: The Conference Center at Sheppard Pratt in Baltimore, Maryland
Now accepting registrations! Download the Program Schedule for complete event details including payment and registration information. You may also visit www.eatingdisorder.org for more information. Please contact (410) 938-4593 with any questions.
Sept 26,2010
Eating Disorders: A Treatment Apart ~ Free Webinar for Health Professionals, Patients and Families. 8:00pm EST
A Discussion of the ED Treatment Process from Diagnosis to Recovery. Facilitator, Abigail Natenshon, MA, LCSW, GCFP.
Go to www.empoweredparents.com/pages/free-webinars.htm to register.
VIew entire calendar through June, 2011 Puente de Vida - "Bridge of Life"
A Place for Hope, Recovery and Healing from Eating Disorders
P.O. Box 86020, San Diego, CA
858-581-1239 or 877-995-4337
Puente de Vida treats Anorexia and Bulimia; males and females, adolescents (ages 15 and up) and adults who live locally, nationally and internationally. Offering individual therapy, nutritional counseling, family therapy, couples therapy, group therapy, support groups, inpatient, residential treatment center. Puente de Vida is a place where therapeutic services are offered to those ages 15 years and older with eating disorders, including those with co-occurring substance use and other disorders. A private six bed, home-like facility, located in beautiful San Diego, provides an excellent setting for the sensitive, inner work that takes place. Puente de Vida's treatment philosophy addresses not just the symptoms but also the underlying issues beneath the surface of eating disorders. An individualized treatment approach includes traditional treatment interventions as well as experiential treatment by our multidisciplinary treatment team. Puente de Vida recognizes that every recovery journey is different and complex and assists the individual in finding their unique path and support in recovery.
View Puente de Vida Programs in the Eating Disorder Specialist Library at: http://clixtrac.com/goto/?10330
Puente de Vida Research
Views on Recovery Experience Study
Recovering from anorexia is difficult and each person’s experience is very different. Deakin University is conducting a project looking at your experience. We are inviting both males and females over the age of 18 who are currently recovering from anorexia to be involved. This study involves you completing five brief confidential online questionnaires now (should take approx. 30mins) and again in two weeks. If you are interested in more information follow the link below or contact Jacqueline Woerner on (03) 52278426 or email jrwoerne@deakin.edu.au Eating Disorder Jobs
EatingDisorderJobs.com – Looking for a job? We have everything dedicated to careers in the field of eating disorders. Find current job openings, career opportunities, continuing education, advice from the experts… everything eating disorders all in one site. For recent grads, seasoned professionals and students. Our mission: to connect job seekers with employers, to keep current professionals enthusiastic about the field and what it has to offer, and to guide students into careers where they can make a difference.
Visit Eating Disorder Jobs website
Thank you for being a friend of Eating Disorder Hope. We will continue to provide you with important information, resources and encouragement regarding eating disorder recovery in our newsletters.
--Jacquelyn Ekern, MS, LPC
Director @ Eating Disorder Hope
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