Thursday, May 05, 2011

Binge Eating Disorder: What You Need to Know

@ Remuda Ranch

Binge eating is not what families do at Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner; it is not having a second dish of ice cream because it's your favorite flavor; it's not over-indulging in fried chicken while visiting someone down South.

Binge eating is a serious disorder that affects 3-5% of American men and women. Binge eating involves consuming a great deal of food, in an uncontrolled and/or rapid manner, and eating beyond the point of fullness. Binge eating is not motivated by physiological hunger. It is driven by psychological issues, such as fear of failure or rejection, unmet expectations, or feeling inadequate. Binges may be spontaneous or planned. No purging is involved, but there may be sporadic fasting or repeat dieting. To have the diagnosis of binge-eating disorder, the behavior must occur at least twice a week for six months. But even with less frequency, binge eating can be a serious problem.

There are many emotional and physical consequences to bingeing. Immediately after a binge, feelings of shame, self-hatred, anxiety, and depression are common. Physical discomfort and gastrointestinal distress frequently occur due to the high volume of food ingested. The person may experience lethargy and fatigue...finish article

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