Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Deeply felt artistic expression by eating disorder sufferers....
Monday, November 23, 2009
Siblings and Eating Disorders

What happens when a family member gets “sick” and doesn’t get better? Families throughout the United States are confronted with this reality every single day when a child has an eating disorder.
Although undoubtedly hard on the parents, often it is the siblings who become the unwitting and unnoticed victims, especially if they are young. This is because the parents, understandably, often focus an inordinate amount of time, thought and energy on that one child. But imagine how this is viewed by the other children.
Find information, resources and hope for siblings at:
Friday, November 20, 2009
College students not immune to eating disorders
written by Cassandra Adams @, Kent State University, Ohio
Josh Pittman, freshman integrated social studies major, realized that to win his high school wrestling matches he had to reach a lower weight class.To cut weight, Pittman began an obsessive cycle of radical calorie restriction and exercise, and soon the 5-foot-9 Pittman went from a slim 135 pounds to a dangerously low 112 lbs.
"I didn't think I was that thin. I was anorexic," Pittman said. "I became obsessed; it was a way of life and the only thing that was important to me."
Over-exercising and not eating wore Pittman down to a point where he fell asleep in classes, frequently passed out and was agitated all the time.
Josephine Glover, a licensed clinical counselor at Malone University, said once the eating disorder pattern has been established, it becomes an addiction and takes on a life of its own.
"The person begins to have a relationship with the eating disorder instead of real people," Glover said. "All their time is spent centered around food; it becomes an obsession."
Glover helps manage the Jubilee Center, a Canton eating disorder support center where the general majority of patients are college-aged.
Some studies have shown that as many as 50 to 60 percent of the college population has an eating disorder. Kent State students don't seem to be exempt.
Marie LePage, the undergraduate officer coordinator of psychological services in Kent Hall, said an increasing amount of students are going in for treatment.
"College is a time of greater stress, and it can be a way to deal with the stress," LePage said. "For many young people, it is truly their first time on their own. They are suddenly thrown into this world of greater freedoms, mom and dad aren't there to overlook their every move."
Other factors that contribute to eating pathology are genetics, peers, family and the media. LePage said eating disorders are a culture-bound disorder and largely influenced by societal pressure. The West is highest among many cultures cultivating the "thin is in" mindset to the extreme.
Sarah Yonkof, freshman exploratory major, said students are competing to look good.
"I feel like you're only as good as your size," Yonkof said. "Guys treat you better if you're skinnier - the attention is always based on your looks, not how smart or funny you are. No matter what your education, social status or money situation, people judge you on your weight - and I think it's wrong."
But women aren't the only ones feeling the pressure to "measure up."
"A big misconception is that guys aren't affected too," Pittman said. "Guys get self-conscious, just like girls. I remember, starting college, I gained some weight and got real depressed because I hated how I looked and felt."
While Pittman was able to reduce his disorder after quitting wrestling in high school, he said it still affects his life in college - though not as severely. He said if he's not careful, he begins a downward spiral of excessive exercise and strict calorie restriction - sans beer and snacks.
Glover and LePage agree recovery is possible with help from the right people. Pittman advises people suffering from the disease to get support.
"All I can say is there is nothing to be ashamed of," Pittman said. "Everyone has problems, whether they let people know or not. If this is your problem, seek out the help and get it; it's not worth your life."
Contact news correspondent Cassandra Adams at
Please share your thoughts here(, on the Eating Disorder Hope blog, about College/University issues with eating disorders. Please let us know of any schools doing a particularly good job addressing this important topic.Monday, November 16, 2009
Eating Disorder Specialist Library Launched
New Eating Disorder Specialist Library Launched to Help Eating Disorder Sufferers, Family, Friends and Health Providers Find Help
Finding treatment for eating disorders is an overwhelming task for those suffering from eating disorders and the loved ones trying to help them. To solve this problem, Eating Disorder Hope launched the Eating Disorder Specialist Library, to provide a comprehensive resource for exploring and comparing treatment options, providers, treatment approaches and philosophy. All accessible in one library, saving hours of searching the web for options.
Fort Worth, TX (PRWEB) November 15, 2009 -- Many eating disorder sufferers and families find that reviewing the online ‘virtual brochures’ offered in the greatly simplifies their search and puts them in touch with some of the best treatment centers and providers for their loved one suffering from anorexia, bulimia or binge eating disorder.
This new and rapidly expanding eating disorder specialist library is an excellent tool for eating disorder sufferers, families, friends and treatment providers who feel overwhelmed with where to begin in the search for appropriate care for the eating disorder sufferer.
Finding highly skilled professionals specialized in the field is key to successful recovery.
Eating Disorder Hope offers information and resources to those suffering from eating disorders, their treatment providers and loved ones by providing the new Eating Disorder Specialist Library, articles, books, a virtual library, inspirational recovery stories, relapse prevention and recovery tools.
“Eating Disorder Hope is well named, since hope is the first essential ingredient of recovery. This site supplies a wealth of information, contacts and inspiration to help make recovery a reality,” said Aimee Lui (, author of Gaining: The Truth About Life After Eating Disorders.
The work of is possible due to the support of sponsors including platinum sponsoring partner: Rader Programs; platinum sponsors, Remuda Ranch and Rogers Memorial; and silver sponsor, Linden Oaks at Edward.
“Eating Disorder Hope is a fresh source of inspiration and practical information to assist sufferers, loved ones, support team members, and professionals with finding the level and type of support and resources they need quickly and efficiently,” said Shannon Cutts, Founder/Director of Mentor Connect, and author of Beating Ana: How to Outsmart Your Eating Disorder and Take Your Life Back, “a website that is like a second home for both those who need help now and for the professionals who treat them!"
About Eating Disorder Hope
Jacquelyn Ekern, MS, LPC is the founder of Eating Disorder Hope, a one-stop resource for support, referrals and education about eating disorders. The site promotes ending eating disordered behavior, embracing life and pursuing recovery. Eating Disorder Hope fosters appreciation of one’s uniqueness and value in the world, unrelated to appearance, achievement or applause. For more information, visit,,
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Do Airbrushed Ads Contribute to Eating Disorders
Airbrushed Ads 'Cause Eating Disorders'
12:28pm UK, Monday November 09, 2009
Jo Couzens, Sky News Online
Airbrushing of models and celebrities in adverts is fuelling eating disorders and depression among girls as young as five, leading body image experts are warning.

There has been speculation Victoria Beckham's Armani ad had digital help
In a shocking new report, a group of over 40 doctors, psychologists and academics are calling for a ban on digitally retouching photos in advertising aimed at under-16s.
The researchers, from Britain, America and Australia, have written to the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) to say the "clear majority of adolescent girls" are experiencing problems with "depression, stress, guilt, shame, insecurity and body dissatisfaction" as a result of the unnatural-looking girls featured in magazines. Finish article
Learn about About Help and Resource for Body Image at:
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Bulimia Nervosa: Is Inpatient Treatment Better Than Day Treatment?
Please share your thoughts and opinions with us here or at:
Find information and resources regarding bulimia at:
Wednesday, November 04, 2009
Check out the National Eating Disorder Association Online Auction! (forwarded in support of the work of NEDA, please visit their site for more info)

Register and Start Bidding on Fresh Items!

NEDA Supporter and Friend,
The Holidays are quickly approaching! At NEDA, we're celebrating the change of seasons by offering quality items on our online auction just in time for shopping - an easy way for you to cross things off your lift while making a difference! New items will be posted each week! Make sure to check out the featured items below and snag these sweet deals!
So what are you waiting for?...Bid Now! All purchases support critical programs that people rely on NEDA to provide. Your bid contributes to the bigger picture of supporting individuals and families impacted by eating disorders and helps NEDA meet fundraising goals. We couldn't do it without you!
Please remember to register at, November 03, 2009
Help for Obesity/Diabetes Sufferers in New York and more...
Fran Weiss,LCSW-R,BCD,DCSW,CGP: Associate Clinical Professor, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, NYC. Sr. Psychotherapist, New York Obesity Research Center, St. Luke’s Roosevelt Hospital Center, NYC. Specializing in the emotional components of disordered eating, weight regulation, obesity, bulimia and body image. Individual and Group Psychotherapy.
New York, New York: Three Unique Group Offerings for 2010. Feb – April, 2010 (12 week short term group,Co-led @ diabetes educator). A UNIQUE OPPORTUNITY FOR YOU AND YOUR DIABETES More Information
II. The Body Image Transformation Experience B.I.T.E.®
NEW 2010 WINTER SPRING WORKSHOP SERIES ~ Two interconnected Workshops More Information
Workshop I: February 9 - April 20, 2010. Owning My Body My Self "Why Can't I Just Do It?" TUESDAYS: 7:30pm-9:00pm. Explores participants' eating experiences, self-perception, and resistance to change.
Workshop II: April 27 – June 29, 2010. Transforming My Body My Self. TUESDAYS: 7:30-9:30pm. Special Guest Collaborator TBA. Combines innovative group therapy techniques with body-oriented therapy.
III. B.I.T.E.® Mentoring Group July - December, 2010 (Tuesdays or Thursday evenings, TBA, 1 ½ hr weekly sessions) More Information
Available to those who have completed the full program of B.I.T.E.® and others who are still struggling with eating and weight regulation problems, and who want an ongoing group experience.
Monday, November 02, 2009
Mindfulness as a Recovery Tool

“I look like a pig … if I eat this meal I will get fat … no one likes me… if I was thin, I would have friends.” How often do such thoughts, or others like them, come to mind? And the problem is, there is never just one thought; one leads to another to another. Soon they are tripping over each other, trying to take center stage, leaving the individual distracted and overwhelmed by negative emotions.
This is why mindfulness has value. Instead of heading down that road of negativity, a person needs to STOP and consciously redirect their own thoughts, by looking, hearing, touching – whatever it takes to break the cycle.