Featured Event: 2nd Annual Photo Contest of the National Eating Disorders Association
Deadline: July 30th.
If you are chosen as the winner of this contest, your photo may be used to promote our conference, it will be prominently displayed at the conference and you will be entered in a lottery to win cool NEDA Gear, including a NEDA T-shirt, water bottle, and more!
Thank you for your help in “Building Bridges to Recovery!”
EVENTS CALENDAR... July 7, 2010 Jenni Schaefer, McGraw-Hill popular best-selling author of “Life Without Ed” and “Goodbye Ed, Hello Me”, presenting a FREE teleconference., at 8pm central time. All are welcome to attend. RSVP’s are required. To Register: Send an email with “RSVP for Jenni” to mc@mentorconnect-ed.org RSVP Deadline: July 7th, 2010 at noon July 23, 2010 Workshop for Professionals. An Inside Look: Working with the Resistant Eating Disorder Patient and the Pharmacological Treatments for Addictive Disorders Bethesda, MD co-hosted by Oliver-Pyatt Centers and Promises Treatment Centers, with presentations from Dr. Wendy Oliver-Pyatt and Dr. David Sack. Eating disorders and addictive disorders often go hand in hand. This workshop will provide information and guidance on state of the art treatments as well as information on the identification of co-occurring psychiatric disorders. Topics include treatment resistance, FDA approved treatments for drug and alcohol dependency, and a review of novel treatments currently in development. This workshop will equip professionals with the most current approaches on the treatment of these disorders from a medical, psychological, and pharmacological perspective. 4 CEC's. For more information or to register, visit http://workshops.promises.com, or call 866-825-1104. August 13-14, 2010 2nd Annual Rocky Mountain Eating Disorders Conference Marriott City Center, Denver, Colorado The conference will focus on clinical advancements in the treatment of anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and EDNOS, as well as innovative strategies for addressing the complexities of these disorders. Following is a brief sampling of sessions and speakers: 1. Key Ingredients for Creating a Center of Excellence: A Primer for Building a Successful Program Kenneth L. Weiner, MD, CEDS 2. Escaping the Wilderness: Recovery from Anorexia Emmett R. Bishop, Jr., MD, CEDS 3. Medical Complications of Anorexia Nervosa and Bulimia Philip Mehler, MD, FACP, CEDS 4.The Willing and Able: Understanding the Adolescent Brain in the Treatment of Eating Disorders Ovidio Bermudez, MD, FAAP, FSAM, FAED, CEDS 5.New Models of Family Therapy in the Treatment of Eating Disorders Craig Johnson, PhD, FAED, CEDS 6. The Mindful Therapist Carolyn Costin, MA, Med, MFT, CEDS To receive a brochure or to register for the 2nd Annual Rocky Mountain Eating Disorders Conference, visit www.EatingRecoveryCenter.com or contact Sarah Gilstrap, Marketing and Intake Coordinator, at (877) 218-1344 or (720) 258-4008 or email sgilstrap@EatingRecoveryCenter.com. September 2-3, 2010 If not dieting® Health Professional 2-day Training Program The Treacy Conference Centre, 126 The Avenue, Parkville, Melbourne, Australia. Email: louise@ifnotdieting.com.au Phone: 03 9482 2106 PDF Flyer can be downloaded from calendar/events page link below September 23, 2010 A Full-day Training Seminar for Professionals on Eating Disorders, and Trauma. Becoming an Embodied Therapist: Accessing the Language of the Body in Treatment Brooklyn, NY This all day seminar offers the opportunity for professionals to learn how to discover and trust their innate ability to "attend" empathically, respond authentically, and translate non-verbal experiences into cognitive insights. This seminar is being sponsored by the American Dance Therapy Association as part of their 45th Annual Conference, Creating the Mind-Body Mosaic: Theory, Research and Practice in Dance/Movement Therapy. The ADTA ( Provider #5739) is recognized by the National Board of Certified Counselors ( NBCC) and will offer six continuing education hours for attendance at this seminar. For more information, please contact The American Dance therapy Association: 410/997-4040, Email Gloria@ADTA.org or The Renfrew Center of Florida: Susan kleinman: 954/698-9222, ext 2087 or Email Skdmt2@bellsouth.net. September 25, 2010 Eating Disorders: State of The Art Treatment The Center for Eating Disorders at Sheppard Pratt’s Annual Professional Symposium This one-day intensive training program offers attendees a rare opportunity to hear from six of the nation's leading authorities on eating disorder treatment in a single day. Offering 7 CMEs/CEUs. Featured Presenters: Kathryn Zerbe, M.D., Kelly Vitousek, Ph.D., Scott Crow, M.D., Daniel Le Grange, Ph.D., Marcia Herrin, Ed.D., MPH, RD, and James Lock, M.D., Ph.D., 7:00am-5:00pm, continental breakfast and catered lunch included Location: The Conference Center at Sheppard Pratt in Baltimore, Maryland. Now accepting registrations! Download the Program Schedule for complete event details including payment and registration information. You may also visit www.eatingdisorder.org for more information. Please contact (410) 938-4593 with any questions. View entire calendar through May, 2011 Read full newsletter at: http://www.eatingdisorderhope.com/resources-newsletter.html |
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