Thursday, December 29, 2011
Interesting interview with Dr. Kim Dennis on the Dr. Melanie show
Insightful discussion about the causes of eating disorders and addictions, the maudsley method, and Dr. Dennis' own personal recovery journey @
Monday, December 19, 2011
Eating Disorder Hope December Newsletter
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Win One of Ten Free Books Offered in Drawing: Healing the Scars of Emotional Abuse
By Dr. Gregory L. Jantz with Ann McMurray @
DRAWING ENDS January 15, 2011.
Please complete the contact form @ http:// ml
Just enter "Healing the Scars" in message, and you will automatically be entered into our January 15, 2011 drawing!
The signs of emotional abuse are easy to overlook. There is no scar tissue to stretch, no bruises to yellow and heal, no gaping wound to point to. In spite of their invisibility, emotional wounds comprise a very damaging form of abuse.
While emotional abuse always accompanies physical and sexual abuse, it can also be present on its own. Because its implications have been overlooked, it's been left to do its damage in silence. The abused have no recourse but to wonder why they just can't seem to get their lives on track.

DRAWING ENDS January 15, 2011.
Please complete the contact form @ http://
Just enter "Healing the Scars" in message, and you will automatically be entered into our January 15, 2011 drawing!
The signs of emotional abuse are easy to overlook. There is no scar tissue to stretch, no bruises to yellow and heal, no gaping wound to point to. In spite of their invisibility, emotional wounds comprise a very damaging form of abuse.
While emotional abuse always accompanies physical and sexual abuse, it can also be present on its own. Because its implications have been overlooked, it's been left to do its damage in silence. The abused have no recourse but to wonder why they just can't seem to get their lives on track.
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
How to Contribute to the National Eating Disorder Association Today
The holiday season is an important time of reflection and thanksgiving. We at Eating Disorder Hope would like to take the opportunity to recognize and commend the efforts of those who work tirelessly to providing resources for those who are struggling with eating disorders. We particularly applaud the efforts of Don and Melissa Nielsen, Founding Members of the National Eating Disorder Association (NEDA), who have helped to establish a tremendous resource for the millions of Americans who are currently dealing with anorexia, bulimia, or binge eating disorders, and who are continually committed to helping NEDA grow and thrive. You too can contribute to this worthy cause this holiday season by making a donation to NEDA, which will be matched dollar for dollar by the Nielsen Family.
The mission to help those who are struggling with an eating disorder and the fight to bring an end to these illnesses is a collective effort. Your gift of any size matters. Please consider donating here and joining us in creating a difference in the lives of those who may be struggling.

Monday, December 12, 2011
Newly proposed DSM-5 criteria reduce the need for “not otherwise specified” diagnoses
Research and Study of Eating Disorder Treatment and Etiology
Newly proposed DSM-5 criteria reduce the need for “not otherwise specified” diagnoses and can be reliability applied by clinicians in a residential eating disorder treatment setting
Jennifer J. Thomas, Ph.D.1,2,3; Kamryn T. Eddy, Ph.D.2,3;
Robert Hohe, B.S.1,2,4; Philip Levendusky, Ph.D. 1,3; Anne E. Becker, M.D., Ph.D., Sc.M.2,3,5
1Klarman Eating Disorders Center, McLean Hospital, Belmont, MA, USA
2Department of Psychiatry, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, USA
3Department of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA
4Technical University of Dresden, Dresden, Germany
5Department of Global Health & Social Medicine, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA
Objective: The DSM-5 Eating Disorders (ED) Work Group has proposed new diagnostic criteria that broaden anorexia nervosa (AN) and bulimia nervosa (BN); add new disorders (e.g., binge eating disorder, avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder); and create descriptive subtypes within ED not otherwise specified (EDNOS). However, the reliability and validity of these new criteria have not been prospectively tested. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the clinical utility of proposed DSM-5 criteria by assessing the prevalence of EDNOS under DSM-IV versus DSM-5; and the inter-rater reliability of research and clinician diagnoses in DSM-IV versus DSM-5.Method: Consecutive female patients aged 13-23 (N = 42) admitted to a residential ED treatment facility received both DSM-IV and DSM-5 ED diagnoses from a research assessor (n = 3) via the Eating Disorder Examination; and a treating clinician (n = 13) via an unstructured interview in routine care. We tested our hypothesis that significantly fewer patients would receive EDNOS diagnoses under DSM-5 versus DSM-IV using Fisher’s exact test, and evaluated inter-rater reliability between research and clinician diagnoses using Cohen’s kappa.
Results: As hypothesized, significantly fewer patients received EDNOS diagnoses from researchers under DSM-5 (n = 14; 33%) versus DSM-IV (n = 30; 71%), p = .003. Clinicians also conferred fewer EDNOS diagnoses under DSM-5 (n = 7; 17%) than DSM-IV (n = 14; 33%), p = .003. While research and clinical diagnoses showed moderate inter-rater reliability under DSM-IV (κ = .41), they showed substantial reliability under DSM-5 (κ = .62).
Conclusion: Our preliminary data suggest that the proposed DSM-5 revisions will successfully reduce the predominance of EDNOS in this naturalistic clinical setting. Importantly, the observed improvement in clinical utility is not associated with a reduction in inter-rater reliability, suggesting that clinicians can reliably apply the new criteria in routine care.
Friday, December 09, 2011
Recovery Through Seasons Of Change
After reading the article "Season of Change", it occurs to me that this time of year is characterized by a season of change, particularly with a New Year approaching. Change is also an anticipated and expected aspect of the recovery process for those who are recovering from an eating disorder. It may be challenging to perceive your progress in your own recovery if change is a process you might either fear or feel inadequate to accomplish optimistically. Additionally, it is common for deep-rooted habits and thinking-patterns related to your eating disorder to prevent you from making the necessary changes in your life that allow for a successful recovery journey. Though it is absolutely normal and expected to fear the unknown, it is also imperative to address your past in order to heal and move forward.
With this New Year approaching, what are changes you are hoping to make for yourself and the continued progression of your recovery?

Podcast with Dr. Nagib of Timberline Knolls Discussing Mood Disorders with Teenagers
The teens are already turbulent years, although emotional disorders can make them even more difficult. Dr. Nagib helps us focus on treatment and hope.
Thursday, December 08, 2011
How to Deal With Stress Over the Holidays
... on Earth this year -- or at the very least some peace of mind -- watch and listen to the advice on how to cope from best-selling author Dr. Gregg Jantz.
... on Earth this year -- or at the very least some peace of mind -- watch and listen to the advice on how to cope from best-selling author Dr. Gregg Jantz.
Win One of Ten Free Books Offered in Drawing
DRAWING ENDS December 15, 2011.
Please complete the contact form, enter "Managing Your Anger" in message, and you will automatically be entered into our December 15, 2011 drawing!
Every Woman's Guide to Managing Your Anger
By Dr. Gregory L. Jantz with Ann McMurray @
Women juggle the bowling balls of family and finances, children and schedules, church and community, work inside and outside the home. Within this time-pressured vise, self-care and personal reflection get squeezed out. Over time, each new responsibility, each additional task can feed the flame of anger and resentment. Injuries and pain of the past weaken the ability to bounce back from frustrating, difficult or stressful situations. Old wounds, unhealed, break open afresh with present problems. This pain hurts; when you get hurt, you get angry.
Anger can be an empowering, supercharged emotion shielding a person from the inevitable darts of life. But like a drug used to cope in the short-term, anger creates an impossible situation long-term. What do you do when your repertoire of responses grows shorter and shorter, with more and more synonyms for rage? What do you do when anger is all you think you have left to feel?
Welcome to Every Woman's Guide to Anger. This book addresses the unique situations and pressures that contribute to anger in women. Women have unique reasons for their anger; to counter these you need to marshal unique resources to overcome anger and live a life of contentment and peace.
Purchase @ A Place of Hope Bookstore
Dr. Jantz has generously donated 10 books to be given away in this drawing!
Wednesday, December 07, 2011
Weight Matters Workshop The Body Image Transformation Experience BITE®
Fran Weiss, LCSW-R,BCD,DCSW,CGP, DPNAP (212) 362-6019
Specializing in the emotional components of disordered eating,
weight regulation, obesity, bulimia and body image.
Specializing in the emotional components of disordered eating,
weight regulation, obesity, bulimia and body image.
Mondays, NYC (January-May, 2012)
Led by Fran Weiss, LCSW-R,BCD,DCSW,CGP Associate Clinical Professor, Mount Sinai School of Medicine; Sr. Psychotherapy Consultant, New York Obesity Research Center, St. Luke's Roosevelt Hospital Center.
Led by Fran Weiss, LCSW-R,BCD,DCSW,CGP Associate Clinical Professor, Mount Sinai School of Medicine; Sr. Psychotherapy Consultant, New York Obesity Research Center, St. Luke's Roosevelt Hospital Center.
For more information, registration and setting up a consultation, and visit
The Weight Matters Workshop (BITE®) is a structured 20 week group, separated into Workshop I + II, to explore and change the powerful habits and compulsions regarding eating and weight that can cause lifetime suffering. BITE® augments existing individual therapy, nutritional, and exercise programs, grappling with issues of body image, shame, "fat as armor" and eating to mask emotional distress and anxiety.
Workshop I addresses the questions: "Why can't I just do it? Why can't I regulate my impulses and change my eating patterns?" The focus is on understanding your personal roadblocks, respecting the experiences that formed them, and most of all keying into your own power to manage destructive thoughts and impulses.
Workshop II takes this to a higher level, teaching you how to listen to your body, which is constantly changing in response to internal and external cues. Somatic and movement techniques are explored that help you move towards attunement and mastery.
*Individual consultation required for admission to the Workshop.
*Insurance reimbursement for Group psychotherapy may apply.
*Insurance reimbursement for Group psychotherapy may apply. | | Tel: (212) 362- 6019
The iaedp Foundation Kicks Off Its Second Annual Body Image Mannequin Art Competition
PEKIN, Ill., Dec. 5, 2011 /CHICAGOPRESSRELEASE.COM/ — The International Association of Eating Disorder Professionals Foundation (iaedp) is proud to present its Second Annual “Imagine Me Beyond What You See” Body Image Mannequin Art Competition created in 2010 to promote healthy awareness and acceptance of body images. The competition incorporates mannequins to help create a unique and realistic palette for artistic expression.
Entries are accepted from October 1, 2011 through January 15, 2012 and are judged on clarity of theme, creativity and originality, quality of composition and design, and the overall impression and presentation. Judges include Art Therapist and member of the American Art Therapy Association Michelle Dean, Artists and Publishers of Gurze Books Leigh and Lindsey Cohn, Drama Therapist Carol Dietrich, iaedp President and psychodrama expert Mary Bellofatto, and renowned photographic fine artist Fritz Liedtke.
The contest is open to everyone, however iaedp encourages treatment centers and private practices with art therapists to work with patients to provide entries. Mixed media may be used and mannequins can be male or female forms in different body shapes and sizes. Entries must be electronically submitted to iaedp™ using photographs in jpeg format, high (200+) resolution files for enlargement, photos showing 4 different angles, and agree to sign an artist release. The winner will be spotlighted at the 2012 Annual Symposium in Charleston, SC, and their artwork auctioned with proceeds going towards the iaedp Foundation.
In an effort to assist middle, high school, and college counselors in educating and engaging students about eating disorders and healthy body image, iaedp expanded its competition into a Traveling Exhibition displaying nine poster images of 2011 entries and most recently a 19 minute short film called “Imagine Me” spotlighting the 2011 mannequin entrants accompanied by narration describing each artists’ personal journey depicted through their artistic expression.
About iaedp:Established in 1985, iaedp is recognized for its excellence in providing education and training standards to an international multidisciplinary group of healthcare treatment providers who treat the full spectrum of eating disorder problems, from anorexia to bulimia to binge eating and obesity. The organization offers a rigorous certification process for those who wish to receive specialized credentials in their work with people with eating disorders. For more information about iaedp, visit
Media Contacts: Blanche Williams
Imagine Me Coordinator
iaedp.blanche@gmail.comSusie Lomelino, slomelino@calisepartners.com214-469-2092
SOURCE The iaedp Foundation
The iaedp Foundation Kicks Off Its Second Annual Body Image Mannequin Art Competition | Chicago Press Release Services – Chicago’s leading press release newswire service; professional press release services, press release distribution and newswire services.
PEKIN, Ill., Dec. 5, 2011 /CHICAGOPRESSRELEASE.COM/ — The International Association of Eating Disorder Professionals Foundation (iaedp) is proud to present its Second Annual “Imagine Me Beyond What You See” Body Image Mannequin Art Competition created in 2010 to promote healthy awareness and acceptance of body images. The competition incorporates mannequins to help create a unique and realistic palette for artistic expression.
Entries are accepted from October 1, 2011 through January 15, 2012 and are judged on clarity of theme, creativity and originality, quality of composition and design, and the overall impression and presentation. Judges include Art Therapist and member of the American Art Therapy Association Michelle Dean, Artists and Publishers of Gurze Books Leigh and Lindsey Cohn, Drama Therapist Carol Dietrich, iaedp President and psychodrama expert Mary Bellofatto, and renowned photographic fine artist Fritz Liedtke.
The contest is open to everyone, however iaedp encourages treatment centers and private practices with art therapists to work with patients to provide entries. Mixed media may be used and mannequins can be male or female forms in different body shapes and sizes. Entries must be electronically submitted to iaedp™ using photographs in jpeg format, high (200+) resolution files for enlargement, photos showing 4 different angles, and agree to sign an artist release. The winner will be spotlighted at the 2012 Annual Symposium in Charleston, SC, and their artwork auctioned with proceeds going towards the iaedp Foundation.
In an effort to assist middle, high school, and college counselors in educating and engaging students about eating disorders and healthy body image, iaedp expanded its competition into a Traveling Exhibition displaying nine poster images of 2011 entries and most recently a 19 minute short film called “Imagine Me” spotlighting the 2011 mannequin entrants accompanied by narration describing each artists’ personal journey depicted through their artistic expression.
About iaedp:Established in 1985, iaedp is recognized for its excellence in providing education and training standards to an international multidisciplinary group of healthcare treatment providers who treat the full spectrum of eating disorder problems, from anorexia to bulimia to binge eating and obesity. The organization offers a rigorous certification process for those who wish to receive specialized credentials in their work with people with eating disorders. For more information about iaedp, visit
Media Contacts: Blanche Williams
Imagine Me Coordinator
iaedp.blanche@gmail.comSusie Lomelino, slomelino@calisepartners.com214-469-2092
SOURCE The iaedp Foundation
The iaedp Foundation Kicks Off Its Second Annual Body Image Mannequin Art Competition | Chicago Press Release Services – Chicago’s leading press release newswire service; professional press release services, press release distribution and newswire services.
Monday, December 05, 2011
New Psychology Study Reveals Prevalence of Binge Eating in Men
By Sarah Sculnick, Staff Writer
A recent study published by Professor of Psychology Ruth Striegel in the September 2011 issue of International Journal of Eating Disorders revealed that in a workplace environment, binge eating is almost as prevalent among men as it is with women. She claims people tend to think that men have less severe eating disorders than women. With the study, she set out to show that men have just as much difficulty with eating disorders, and the health problems that result from them, as women do.
...Continue reading here.
What obstacles might men encounter in seeking treatment or help for an eating disorder compared to women?
A recent study published by Professor of Psychology Ruth Striegel in the September 2011 issue of International Journal of Eating Disorders revealed that in a workplace environment, binge eating is almost as prevalent among men as it is with women. She claims people tend to think that men have less severe eating disorders than women. With the study, she set out to show that men have just as much difficulty with eating disorders, and the health problems that result from them, as women do.
...Continue reading here.
What obstacles might men encounter in seeking treatment or help for an eating disorder compared to women?
Friday, December 02, 2011
Anti-Airbrush Movement: Scientists Propose Warning Labels for Retouched Photos
by Elizabeth Snead
Health organizations, citizen groups and scientists call for airbrushing warning labels on photos to raise people's self esteem and help stop eating disorders, depression.
Every fashion, beauty and celebrity magazine you pick up is packed with photos of stars with slim cellulite-free legs, flawless skin, taut tummies, perfect teeth and not a wrinkle or blemish in sight. Most Photoshopping in magazine beauty advertising is done well, so you can only snarl and suspect it. But there have been a few notorious cases where retouchers have gone too far, lopping off limbs and biting out chunks of thighs and waistlines. Twilight Saga Breaking Dawn Part 1 star Kristen Stewart's missing left arm on the cover of Glamour springs instantly to our mind. So are you fed up with Photoshop, totally over airbrushing and long for a little reality? You are not alone.
...Continue reading here.
Do you think there would be any benefits in placing warning labels on photos that have been airbrushed? How might this help increase self-esteem and body image?
Health organizations, citizen groups and scientists call for airbrushing warning labels on photos to raise people's self esteem and help stop eating disorders, depression.
Every fashion, beauty and celebrity magazine you pick up is packed with photos of stars with slim cellulite-free legs, flawless skin, taut tummies, perfect teeth and not a wrinkle or blemish in sight. Most Photoshopping in magazine beauty advertising is done well, so you can only snarl and suspect it. But there have been a few notorious cases where retouchers have gone too far, lopping off limbs and biting out chunks of thighs and waistlines. Twilight Saga Breaking Dawn Part 1 star Kristen Stewart's missing left arm on the cover of Glamour springs instantly to our mind. So are you fed up with Photoshop, totally over airbrushing and long for a little reality? You are not alone.
...Continue reading here.
Do you think there would be any benefits in placing warning labels on photos that have been airbrushed? How might this help increase self-esteem and body image?
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