The Eating Disorder Hope Monthly Newsletter covers important developments, events and discussions regarding the prevention, awareness and treatment of eating disorders. Find Articles, Treatment Centers, Events Calendar, Research, Anouncements, Resources and more.
Tips for Parents: Helping Kids Stay Active and Eat Healthy During Summer (and Fall, Winter, and Spring)
Dena Cabrera, PsyD @ Remuda Ranch Treatment Programs
“Summer” for kids means so many different things - vacations, summer camp, swimming, free time, and best of all, no school. In the summer, schedules change, routines are broken, and patterns are modified. This could create an imbalance in our eating and activity level. Also, the heat often immobilizes us, making it a bit more difficult to stay active and eat healthy. Helping kids stay active during summer time may pose a challenge for parents. Also, kids today face
many different options for food and activity than past generations. With an abundance of inexpensive, high calorie, low nutrient-dense, tasty, unsupervised food choices coupled with entertainment much more sedentary than "play"…we end up with overweight kids. What is a parent to do?...
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Increasing Pro-Ana Movement – Words Supporting Suicide
@ Kim Dennis, M.D., Timberline Knolls Residential Treatment Center
We’ve all heard the phrase, “sticks and stones can break your bones but words can never hurt you!” It was a favorite of parents trying to support their children in detaching from what bullies and other spiritually sick kids said. Although it might have been good enough to use with school yard bullies, it’s proving to take a lot more to help people sick with eating disorders detach from an online movement where words are used to encourage starvation, binging and purging – which amount to gradual suicide....
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Featured Non Profit Organization
Restoring the Heart Ministries, “In the Wildflowers” project, is for women and men who have suffered the trauma of childhood sexual abuse as well as anyone who may have encountered varying degrees of violations in their childhood and youth. Through a 10-step process, "In the Wildflowers" offers caring, understanding and hope to victims.
Learn more
***The organizations listed in the
Eating Disorder Non Profit Directory offer multifaceted resources providing encouragement, direction and hope to those seeking to overcome anorexia, bulimia and binge eating disorder. These organizations educate the public and promote eating disorder awareness and prevention, among other objectives. Eating Disorder Hope gratefully acknowledges these outstanding organizations that tirelessly work to promote eating disorder awareness, prevention and recovery.
Book Drawing
Win One of 10 Free Copies of Becoming Strong Again
To Enter: Please complete the contact form, enter "Becoming Strong Again" in message, and you will automatically be entered into our July 15, 2011 drawing!
Becoming Strong Again By Dr. Gregory L. Jantz
People from all walks of life are experiencing a singular problem in this technology-ridden, fast-paced world: exhaustion! Whether you are overworked, struggling to juggle career and family, suffering from low self-esteem, grief, or loss, or just feeling stuck on a never-ending treadmill, Becoming Strong Again can help you revitalize your emotional health. Dr. Jantz offers a solid guide for regaining emotional, physical, and spiritual strength in this highly compassionate and readable book. He examines numerous ways to "clean house, " allowing for a fresh and healthy perspective. By escaping self-defeating trappings, balance and strength can be restored. "When you admit that most of your fears are home-grown, " writes the author, "you can then make the decision to stop feeding them, pull them up by the roots, and become strong again." Because practically everyone has experienced emotional exhaustion, Becoming Strong Again will speak to people in all age groups, professions, and circumstances. Purchase @
A Place of Hope Bookstore
Treatment Centers
Eating Disorder Services of Rogers Memorial Hospital is the largest nonaffiliated, behavioral health provider in Wisconsin, Rogers Memorial Hospital offers specialized eating disorder treatment. Rogers Memorial provides 24-hour inpatient care, residential treatment and partial hospitalization for men, women, adolescents, and children. We also offer specialized care for co-occurring anxiety disorders and were the first organization to offer a male-specific residential program. Treatment is comprised of small, age-specific groups yielding the most individualized treatment possible. The treatment team uses a number of therapies that take place mostly in a group setting, where individuals get feedback not only from the therapist but from their peers as well. Rogers Memorial uses evidence-based treatment components including: Family therapy,Nutrition therapy, Cognitive-behavioral therapy, Pharmacotherapy, Art therapy, Movement and fitness therapy (yoga), Experiential therapy, Substance abuse counseling, Spiritual counseling, One-to-one support, Daily living responsibilities, Community outings and therapeutic passes and a Specialized family and friends program.
Rogers Memorial Hospital has treated thousands of patients and families affected by eating disorders. The staff of over 70 professionals, approach each patient, family, and referring outpatient treatment team with dignity and respect, and invite them to be contributors to the treatment plan. Rogers Memorial is a specialty not-for-profit hospital that has contracts with most major insurance providers in order to provide the best treatment options to the most people. In January 2009, Rogers opened a specialized inpatient eating disorder program for children and adolescents, ages 8 and up. Call Rogers Memorial outreach staff today at 1-800-767-4411 ext. 1310. to learn more or to schedule a tour.
View Rogers Memorial in the
Eating Disorder Specialist Library
Remuda Ranch offers inpatient and residential programs for women and girls with anorexia, bulimia, OCD and related issues. Treatment takes place in peaceful ranch-like settings in Arizona. Separate, age-appropriate programs ensure that patients are surrounded by their peers and receive treatment from professionals specializing in that specific age group.
Patients receive an individualized treatment plan designed to meet their precise medical, emotional, psychological and spiritual needs. Each woman and girl has a multi-disciplinary treatment team dedicated to helping her get well. This team includes a psychiatric specialist, a primary care physician, a registered dietitian, a licensed master's or doctoral-level therapist, a psychologist, and registered nurses. In addition to individual and group therapy, patients engage in innovative treatment strategies such as equine, art, body image and challenge course.
Remuda Ranch also offers a Binge Eating Disorder Program. This residential program is designed to help women and girls struggling with obesity, compulsive overeating and binge eating disorder. And for those whose eating disorder symptoms are less acute, the Remuda Life Program offers residential treatment. The time spent in this program, with individual and group therapy, often proves exactly what women and girls need to commit to recovery. Since 1990, more than 10,000 individuals have trusted their care to Remuda Ranch. For additional information, please call 1-800-445-1900 today.
View Remuda Ranch in the
Eating Disorder Specialist Library

For 22 years
The Center for Counseling & Health Resources, Inc. has been treating individuals with eating disorders. Our unique whole-person approach to counseling helps individuals to see permanent success over an eating disorder. Our emphasis is on Emotional Balance, Intellectual Discovery, Relational Healing, Physical Wellness, Nutritional Support, and Spiritual Renewal. We offer a World Renown Specialized Intensive Treatment Program that lasts 4-12 weeks with a Transitional Care Program available after your Intensive Treatment. Unlike many other treatment programs, most of your time is spent in personalized individual counseling instead of group sessions. The Center is known for being A Place of Hope. Go to our website and read the numerous testimonials of our clients. Located a few miles outside of Seattle, Edmonds is a beautiful beach town with majestic views. Rather you like the city life or the great outdoors there is plenty to enjoy during your time in the great Pacific Northwest.
View The Center in the
Eating Disorder Specialist Library
Puente de Vida treats Anorexia and Bulimia; males and females, adolescents (ages 15 and up) and adults who live locally, nationally and internationally. Offering individual therapy, nutritional counseling, family therapy, couples therapy, group therapy, support groups, inpatient, residential treatment center. Puente de Vida is a place where therapeutic services are offered to those ages 15 years and older with eating disorders, including those with co-occurring substance use and other disorders. A private six bed, home-like facility, located in beautiful San Diego, provides an excellent setting for the sensitive, inner work that takes place. Puente de Vida's treatment philosophy addresses not just the symptoms but also the underlying issues beneath the surface of eating disorders. An individualized treatment approach includes traditional treatment interventions as well as experiential treatment by our multidisciplinary treatment team. Puente de Vida recognizes that every recovery journey is different and complex and assists the individual in finding their unique path and support in recovery.
View Puente de Vida Programs in the
Eating Disorder Specialist Library

EATING DISORDER TREATMENT PROGRAM at SeaSide Palm Beach specializes in helping individuals who suffer from a dual diagnosis or co-occurring disorders, which is when an individual suffers simultaneously from both a psychiatric disorder (like an eating disorder) as well as a substance abuse problem (like alcohol abuse or drug abuse). Most people are very surprised to learn that eating disorders have little to do with food. Especially when one considers that many people who suffer from eating disorders actually have an unhealthy obsession with food. In the majority of cases, eating disorders have more to do with a lack of emotional well-being resulting from their inability to identify and communicate their own needs and wants effectively to others. To find out more please call us 24/7 toll-free at (888) 432-2467 today for help!
View SeaSide's programs at the
Eating Disorder Specialist Library

Nestled in the quiet town of Redlands, California,
Loma Linda University Behavioral Medicine Center stands alone in its community as having the only Joint Commission accredited hospital-based outpatient eating disorder program. For almost ten years we have been providing treatment for adolescents and adults struggling with anorexia and bulimia and offer a safe and hopeful environment in which the individual can explore and examine the issues that contribute to their eating disorder. Our multidisciplinary team of experts helps individuals begin the healing process by addressing all aspects of the mind, body, and spirit using leading edge treatment. An individualized treatment plan is developed based on the needs and level of care unique to every patient that includes in part, dialectical and cognitive behavioral therapy, coping skills, nutrition education and monitoring, structured meals, spiritual care, as well as individual, group, and family therapy. For information about our programs and services,visit us
View Loma Linda's Programs in the
Eating Disorder Specialist Library

Oliver-Pyatt Centers' programs are tailored to meet the unique needs of each client, addressing the core issues driving the eating disorder while providing the tools needed to live a meaningful life, free from food and weight preoccupation. We believe that one-to-one therapy is the cornerstone of effective eating disorder treatment, and it is the primary reason to choose the Oliver-Pyatt Centers. Each client receives a minimum of six individual therapy sessions per week. Our comprehensive, naturalistic, and highly individualized approach to treatment is provided in an intimate environment with a high staff to client ratio. We have a maximum of ten clients in each of our programs. Our innovative protocols are grounded in a thorough understanding of eating disorders, incorporating state of the art approaches, outcome data, research, and current medical knowledge, all with the support of our compassionate multi-disciplinary treatment team.
View Oliver-Pyatt Treatment Centers in the
Eating Disorder Specialist Library.

CEDRIC Centre's sole purpose is to show you how to quickly and simply step free of the food and body image power struggle, forever. CEDRIC Clinical Counsellors all have longstanding recovery from eating disorders with specialized training in eating disorders, and related concerns such as alcohol and drug dependency, depression, anxiety and trauma. The CEDRIC Centre has many options for you to access their successful programs and resources, regardless of your location, budget and time constraints, including:
Individual Counselling worldwide (via telephone, internet, or in person at their Vancouver and Victoria BC facilities);An innovative and comprehensive Web Based Counselling program, providing the perfect blend of individual and peer support, teleclasses and lessons to move you quickly past your food and body image preoccupation; Individual Healing Retreats, created just for you; 3 day Intensive Workshops;CD's, DVD's, Workbooks; and The book, Food is Not the Problem, Deal with What Is! An easy-to-read complete recovery guide for stepping free of restricting, binging and/or purging forever.
View Cedric Centre's programs at the
Eating Disorder Specialist Library

The treatment staff at
Rader Programs has been providing high-quality clinical programs for over 25 years. We specialize in the treatment of eating and related disorders. It is our mission to help save the lives of those suffering from eating disorders. The primary purpose of Rader Programs is to treat the dysfunctional behavior in a supportive environment. A staff of caring and experienced professionals, many who are recovering themselves, assist the affected individual and their family in developing a life long program for recovery. We recognize the complexity of the disorder and understand the medical, psychological, physical, and nutritional aspects of eating disorders. Our treatment approach is centered around the special needs of each individual and we are completely committed to help individuals achieve recovery.
View Rader Programs in the
Eating Disorder Specialist Library
New Dawn is the only eating disorders treatment facility in Northern California that offers the full continuum of care for eating disorders recovery, from Residential Treatment, to Day Treatment, to our Intensive Outpatient Program and outpatient services. Each level of care utilizes a multidisciplinary approach with individualized treatment plans that address the medical, psychological, nutritional, and interpersonal needs of each patient. Our Residential Facility located in San Francisco offers empirically-supported, multidisciplinary treatment for adult women suffering from anorexia, bulimia, and binge-eating disorder. Located in San Francisco, we welcome women from all over the world to participate in our residential eating disorders treatment program. Unlike the vast majority of residential facilities in the United States, New Dawn Eating Disorders Recovery Center offers the full continuum of care necessary to complete the recovery process. This means that you have the choice for your core treatment team to remain constant as you graduate from residential treatment and transition into day treatment, intensive outpatient program, and outpatient services. At New Dawn Eating Disorders Recovery Center, we believe in accompanying you on the full journey of recovery. Such a journey allows for a deeper, more powerfully mutative process. For more information on our programs, please visit our website at For information on our Outpatient Programs, see our listing on this page under Sausalito.
Visit New Dawn in the
Eating Disorder Specialist Library

Renfrew Center is the first and largest network of eating disorder treatment facilities in the country and has served more than 55,000 women in its 25 years. The Renfrew treatment philosophy emphasizes a respect for the unique psychology of women, the importance of a collaborative therapeutic relationship, and the belief that every woman needs to actively participate in her own recovery. The Renfrew Center provides a comprehensive range of services at its facilities in Connecticut, Florida, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, and Texas. Programs and services vary by site and include: Residential; Day Treatment; Intensive Outpatient; Group Therapy; Individual, Family, and Couples Therapy; Nutrition Therapy; and Psychiatric Consultation. Renfrew's training programs have reached more than 25,000 healthcare professionals to dat
e and are designed to enhance the knowledge and skills needed to treat these complex disorders. For more information, please visit or call 1-800-RENFREW.
Register now for the 2011 Renfrew Center Foundation Eating Disorders Conference for Professionals – Feminist Relational Perspectives and Beyond: The Next Generation. Offering 17.5 CEUS, this three day conference for social workers, family therapists, behavioral health professionals, physicians, nurses and dietitians is dedicated to the next generation of clinicians and researchers, advances in prevention and treatment, and to a more in-depth exploration of theory and data. Philadelphia Airport Marriot, Philadelphia, PA from November 11-13, 2011. For more information visit or contact Debbie Lucker at 1-877-367-3383 or
Spotlighted Event
Remuda Ranch: Overview, News and Updates Webinar
Presented by: Dr. Dena Cabrera, PsyD, CEDS, Director of Educational Outreach
Marta Harris, RN, BA, Director of Nursing We are excited to present to you this informative webinar highlighting the latest developments at Remuda Ranch Treatment Programs. As a fellow treatment provider, we value your time and your commitment to making the most informed decision for each of your clients who may be struggling. We would like to take this opportunity to share our new and exciting information that is available at Remuda Ranch. Our goal is to partner with you to help your patients find hope, healing and life by providing them treatment you can trust. Cost: No Charge, but you must register to receive the email containing the URL for the webinar. |
Events Calendar
July 14: Center for Change Regional Workshop for Professionals: Strengthening Body Image & Self Esteem in Adolescents and Young Adults. 9:00am - 12:30pm,Orem, UT, Center for Change.
July 14: Center for Change Annual Community Event: Support for Those in an Addictive Process and the People Who Love Them. 6:00pm - 9:00pm. Orem, UT, Center for Change.
July 15: Annual Center for Change Alumni Event.9:00am - 6:00pm. Orem, UT, Center for Change.
July 13, 19 or 26th: Free Seminar Series for Parents of Children Struggling from Eating Disorders, July 13th, 19th and 26th, NY, NY. Led by Normal in Schools Founder and President, Robyn Hussa, MFA, RYT.
August 3: OCD and Eating Disorders Webinar with Dr. Ken Littlefield of Remuda Ranch.
August 5-7: Trauma Resiliency Model (TRM) Level 1 Training Facilitators: Elaine Miller Karas, LCSW & Laurie Leitch, Ph.D. Presented at Sierra Tucson by Trauma Resource Institute (TRI)
18.0 CECs available at this 3-day Training more information
August 19 - 20: 2011 Rocky Mountain Eating Disorders Conference Denver Marriott City Center, Denver, Colorado
View further details on these events and those occurring through the 2012.
Featured Research
Research Study using MRI to examine Bulimia Nervosa in Adolescent Girls Researchers at Columbia University Medical Center are conducting a study aimed at understanding brain development and the development of Bulimia Nervosa
* Females, 12-19 years old, who binge-eat and purge
* All ethnic groups
* The study will take place at the New York State Psychiatric Institute, 1051 Riverside Drive in Manhattan.
* Participation in our study will include visiting our clinic to complete interviews, games and puzzles, and an MRI scan.
* Compensation (up to $400) or treatment, free of charge, will be provided for participation.
For more information please call the Eating Disorders Clinic at
(212) 543-5739 or
212-543-6072. Or Contact: Rachel Marsh, Ph.D.
Click here for an extensive national listing of Current Eating Disorder Research
MentorCONNECT is the first global eating disorders mentoring community. In addition to mentor matching services, we offer free monthly teleconferences with nationally-known eating disorders experts, weekly live moderated support groups, personalized recovery blogs and member pages, a 100% pro-recovery online community, and more! Membership and all services are offered on a no-fee basis. MentorCONNECT is open to members ages 14 and up, female and male. Our services support individuals struggling with the full spectrum of eating disorder issues. MentorCONNECT is a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation. - Looking for a job? We have everything dedicated to careers in the field of eating disorders. Find current job openings, career opportunities, continuing education, advice from the experts... everything eating disorders all in one site. For recent grads, seasoned professionals and students. Our mission: to connect job seekers with employers, to keep current professionals enthusiastic about the field and what it has to offer, and to guide students into careers where they can make a difference.
Thank you for being a friend of Eating Disorder Hope. We will continue to provide you with important information, resources and encouragement regarding eating disorder recovery in our newsletters.
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