Friday, January 13, 2012

Children's Healthcare of Atlanta: End the "Stop Sugarcoating" obesity campaign

With the increasing number of children developing eating disorders, the promotion of eating disorder awareness has never been more important or essential.  Children who are subject to bullying or harassment due to their size are more likely to being susceptible to the development of an eating disorder.

The recent promotion of the “Stop Sugarcoating” campaign, which was established to address childhood obesity, has implied harmful messages to both children and adults by emphasizing social prejudices centered on weight and size rather than promoting healthy behaviors. This campaign is dangerous to children who may have insecurities about their bodies or may possibly reinforce the use of food as a coping mechanism. 

This petition has been developed in aim to end the “Stop Sugarcoating” campaign and the injurious message it promotes to children.  Children should not have to feel bad about themselves or be bullied for their appearance.  Please consider signing this important petition here to help in the promotion of eating disorder awareness and prevention!

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