Green Valley Ranch Resort and Spa Las Vegas, NV. This conference is geared for professionals who treat clients with eating disorders in a clinical setting, as well as other professionals, including dietitians, counselors and social workers who come in contact with people who may be suffering from eating disorders during the course of their daily work.
Pertinent Issues include Evidence Based Nutrition Approaches, Body Image & Self Esteem, Mindfulness, Food & the Brain, Obesity, Maudsley Techniques, Etiology & Treatment of ED, Anorexia Nervosa, Males & Eating Disorders, Bulimia, etc.
Renowned Speakers include Walter Kaye, MD; Margo Maine, PhD; Anita Johnston, PhD; Emmett Bishop, MD; Ken Weiner, MD; Ann Kearney-Cooke, PhD; Carolyn Coker Ross, MD; Marcia Herrin, EdD, RD; and more. Go to www.BFIsummit.com or call 800-643-0797 to register or for more information.
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