Remuda Ranch
The Physiology, Psychology and Neurochemistry of an Eating Disorder: An Integrated Model of Treatment
(4.25 Continuing Education Credits)
Presented by: | Ralph E Carson, PhD RD Nutritionist and Exercise Physiologist | ||
Kevin Wandler, MD Chief Medical Officer |
Time: | 10:00 am - 3:00 pm |
Cost: | $ 45.00 USD (includes CEU certification, coffee / tea breaks and networking luncheon) |
Continuing Education Credits. (APA Approved)
If you treat patients with eating disorders, you know they struggle with issues that are both complex and pervasive. This unique 2-part workshop addresses the medical, neurophysiological and psychological issues prevalent in this population. The workshop offers practical skills and tools to treat patients with eating disorders.
Part 1: Dr. Kevin Wandler (10:00 am - 12:00 pm)
Our weight-obsessed culture places a person’s value and worth on their external shape and size, creating a hostile recovery environment for those suffering. This portion of the workshop will address the medical complications of eating disorders and pharmacologic therapies for treating these disorders and co-occurring disorders. Further, acceptance and change strategies blended with life-management skills offer a useful and practical intervention for meeting the needs of eating disorder patients. Through case studies and experiential exercises, this presentation includes tools, assignments, and strategies that have been effectively utilized in the treatment of more than 10,000 Remuda Ranch patients.
Following this presentation, participants will:
- List 3 medical and psychiatric complications of eating disorders.
- List common co-occurring diagnoses seen in patients with eating disorders.
- Describe issues in treating males with eating disorders.
- Apply acceptance and change strategies to the most difficult emotional and behavioral issues.
- List 3 techniques of DBT skills you can use to help with emotional dysregulation.
- Describe the core body image disturbances, cognitive errors, distortions, and identity issues interfering with recovery.
Part II: - Dr. Ralph Carson (12:45 pm - 3:00 pm)
How do dysfunctional behaviors (starvation, binging, purging, cravings) trigger compulsions and ultimately hijack the brain? The roots of addiction and eating disorder behaviors lie in a complex chain reaction that originates in an ancient survival mechanism of the brain where this system is inappropriately activated and drives the body to crave, sometimes with addictive behavior as the end result. This presentation will not only investigate how chemicals directly interact with brain chemistry to produce behaviors, but how cognitions alone can produce similar responses. Additionally, the talk will expound on how exercise and nutrition can directly act on our unique neurochemistry to change the landscape and correct imbalances.
At the end of the sessions, participants will be able to:
- Outline the neuropathology of eating disorder behavior.
- List the ways such compulsions are similar genetically and neurochemically.
- Identify pathways through which feelings are transformed into neurochemical messages.
- Suggest substitutes for food cravings that elicit equal neurochemical responses.
- List three ways that exercise enhances brain function.
Ralph Carson, PhD, RD has been involved in the clinical treatment of obesity, addictions and eating disorders for more than 30 years. His unique background in health science and medicine (BS Duke University and B.H.S. Duke University Medical School) coupled with nutrition and exercise (BS Oakwood College, Ph.D. Auburn University) has prepared him to integrate biophysiological intervention and proven psychotherapeutic treatment. Dr. Carson is an acting board member of the International Association of Eating Disorder Professionals and a partner with Remuda Ranch Programs for Eating and Anxiety Disorders. In this capacity, he educates Remuda Ranch staff and those working in the field of eating disorders about the latest in treatment innovations and research. Dr. Carson is the author of the book Harnessing the Healing Power of Fruit: The New Paradigm for Optimum Health. His new book, The Brain Fix will be released later this year.
Kevin Wandler, MD, CEDS is board certified in General Psychiatry, with Added Qualification in Addiction Psychiatry, by the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology. Dr Wandler has been the Chief Medical Officer at Remuda Ranch Programs for Eating and Anxiety Disorders for over 14 years. He has presented frequently to US and international audiences on state-of-the-art treatments for eating disorders and co-occurring disorders. Dr. Wandler has written numerous articles and co-authored chapters in Eating Disorders: A Handbook of Christian Treatment.
Continuing Education Information:
Remuda Ranch is an NBCC Approved Continuing Education Provider (ACEP ™) and may offer NBCC approved clock hours for events that meet NBCC requirements. The ACEP solely is responsible for all aspects of the program. Provider #6152 NBCC Clock hrs awarded = 4.25
This program has been approved by the Commission on Dietetic Registration. CPEUs awarded = 4.25
Remuda Ranch is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. Remuda Ranch maintains responsibility for this program and its content. CE credit hrs awarded = 4.25
To Register
Register Online or contact Demetria McNeal with our Professional Relations Department at 1-800-445-1900.
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