The Eating Disorder Hope Monthly Newsletter covers important developments, events and discussions regarding the prevention, awareness and treatment of eating disorders. Find Articles, Treatment Centers, Events Calendar, Research, Anouncements, Resources and more.
A Heavy Burden: Raising Healthy Families in our Weight Obsessed Culture
Deborah Russo, PsyD, Dena Cabrera, PsyD, & Amy Spahr, LCSW @ Remuda Ranch Treatment Programs
Studies confirm the powerful influence our consumer culture has on imprinting norms of behavior. Family dynamics, biology, technology, and our powerful media culture contribute to shaping families. How do we help parents, caregivers and other leaders navigate the winds influencing our youth culture especially as it relates to weight related and body image issues? This article highlights the factors that shape beliefs and attitudes toward our bodies. It will offer ten ways to help families develop resilience and build protective factors encouraging positive and confident relationships with body and weight...
Read More Eating Disorders: No Longer Just for Young Females
Timberline Knolls Residential Treatment Center
For decades, the topic of eating disorders conjured an immediate stereotype. The individual was female, beautiful, a high achiever, affluent, often the first-born, and above all, young. She might be the high school prom queen, or the college cheerleader, but never was she a middle-aged mother of three. Indeed, the very idea that a woman in midlife could suffer from anorexia or bulimia was nearly unimaginable.
We now know that eating disorders occur across the lifespan. Experts in the field report that in the past 10 years they are treating an increasing number of women in their 30s, 40s and 50s who are starving themselves, abusing laxatives, binging and purging, exercising to dangerous extremes and self harming. In other words, they are engaging in all the behaviors traditionally viewed as exclusive to the younger generation...
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Treatment Centers
Timberline Knolls Residential Treatment Center provides eating disorder treatment for women on 43 beautiful acres just outside of Chicago. We offer a nurturing environment of recovery for women ages 12 and older struggling to overcome eating disorders, with or without other co-occurring disorders such as substance abuse/drug addiction, mood disorders or anxiety disorders.
A leader in eating disorder treatment, Timberline Knolls provides real and lasting help for anorexia, bulimia and binge eating disorders. Timberline Knolls Residential Treatment Center has helped hundreds of women and their families achieve long-term recovery, including many who have suffered repeated relapses because of previously unidentified or under-addressed co-occurring disorders.
Timberline Knolls recognizes that each woman has a unique story, and we are committed to helping her harness her own distinctive strengths. Our expert treatment staff forms a collaborative partnership with the resident, her loved ones and outpatient treatment providers. Together, we craft an individualized eating disorder treatment plan for each woman so she may develop the skills she will need to experience the joys of lifelong recovery.
View Timberline Knolls in the Eating Disorder Specialist Library
Remuda Ranch offers inpatient and residential programs for women and girls with anorexia, bulimia, OCD and related issues. Treatment takes place in peaceful ranch-like settings in Arizona. Separate, age-appropriate programs ensure that patients are surrounded by their peers and receive treatment from professionals specializing in that specific age group.
Patients receive an individualized treatment plan designed to meet their precise medical, emotional, psychological and spiritual needs. Each woman and girl has a multi-disciplinary treatment team dedicated to helping her get well. This team includes a psychiatric specialist, a primary care physician, a registered dietitian, a licensed master's or doctoral-level therapist, a psychologist, and registered nurses. In addition to individual and group therapy, patients engage in innovative treatment strategies such as equine, art, body image and challenge course.
Remuda Ranch also offers a Binge Eating Disorder Program. This residential program is designed to help women and girls struggling with obesity, compulsive overeating and binge eating disorder. And for those whose eating disorder symptoms are less acute, the Remuda Life Program offers residential treatment. The time spent in this program, with individual and group therapy, often proves exactly what women and girls need to commit to recovery. Since 1990, more than 10,000 individuals have trusted their care to Remuda Ranch. For additional information, please call 1-800-445-1900 today.
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Eating Disorder Services of Rogers Memorial Hospital is the largest nonaffiliated, behavioral health provider in Wisconsin, Rogers Memorial Hospital offers specialized eating disorder treatment. Rogers Memorial provides 24-hour inpatient care, residential treatment and partial hospitalization for men, women, adolescents, and children. We also offer specialized care for co-occurring anxiety disorders and were the first organization to offer a male-specific residential program. Treatment is comprised of small, age-specific groups yielding the most individualized treatment possible. The treatment team uses a number of therapies that take place mostly in a group setting, where individuals get feedback not only from the therapist but from their peers as well. Rogers Memorial uses evidence-based treatment components including: Family therapy,Nutrition therapy, Cognitive-behavioral therapy, Pharmacotherapy, Art therapy, Movement and fitness therapy (yoga), Experiential therapy, Substance abuse counseling, Spiritual counseling, One-to-one support, Daily living responsibilities, Community outings and therapeutic passes and a Specialized family and friends program.
Rogers Memorial Hospital has treated thousands of patients and families affected by eating disorders. The staff of over 70 professionals, approach each patient, family, and referring outpatient treatment team with dignity and respect, and invite them to be contributors to the treatment plan. Rogers Memorial is a specialty not-for-profit hospital that has contracts with most major insurance providers in order to provide the best treatment options to the most people. In January 2009, Rogers opened a specialized inpatient eating disorder program for children and adolescents, ages 8 and up. Call Rogers Memorial outreach staff today at 1-800-767-4411 ext. 1310. to learn more or to schedule a tour.
View Rogers Memorial in the Eating Disorder Specialist Library
The internationally recognized Eating Disorders Program at Sierra Tucson comprehensively treats eating disorders for males or females who suffer from anorexia, bulimia, or compulsive overeating/binge eating disorder. Our full integrative approach cares for the body, mind, and spirit and treats coexisting diagnoses such as depression, trauma, and chemical dependency. Our expert multidisciplinary staff utilize the best of Western and Eastern Medicine to address the total scope of eating disorders.
Key program components include Group and Individual Therapy, Equine-Assisted Therapy, DBT Skills Training, Nutraceuticals, Nutrition & Exercise Plan, EMDR & Somatic Experiencing®, Body Imagery, Restaurant Outing, and Family Program.
Located in the foothills of the Santa Catalina Mountains near Tucson, Arizona, Sierra Tucson provides a natural healing environment with the highest level of confidentiality. A member of CRC Health Group, Sierra Tucson is multi-licensed as a psychiatric hospital and residential behavioral health treatment center and has received dual Accreditation by The Joint Commission.
The Oliver-Pyatt Centers' programs are tailored to meet the unique needs of each client, addressing the core issues driving the eating disorder while providing the tools needed to live a meaningful life, free from food and weight preoccupation. We believe that one-to-one therapy is the cornerstone of effective eating disorder treatment, and it is the primary reason to choose the Oliver-Pyatt Centers. Each client receives a minimum of six individual therapy sessions per week. Our comprehensive, naturalistic, and highly individualized approach to treatment is provided in an intimate environment with a high staff to client ratio. We have a maximum of ten clients in each of our programs. Our innovative protocols are grounded in a thorough understanding of eating disorders, incorporating state of the art approaches, outcome data, research, and current medical knowledge, all with the support of our compassionate multi-disciplinary treatment team.
View Oliver-Pyatt Treatment Centers in the Eating Disorder Specialist Library.
For 22 years The Center for Counseling & Health Resources, Inc. has been treating individuals with eating disorders. Our unique whole-person approach to counseling helps individuals to see permanent success over an eating disorder. Our emphasis is on Emotional Balance, Intellectual Discovery, Relational Healing, Physical Wellness, Nutritional Support, and Spiritual Renewal. We offer a World Renown Specialized Intensive Treatment Program that lasts 4-12 weeks with a Transitional Care Program available after your Intensive Treatment. Unlike many other treatment programs, most of your time is spent in personalized individual counseling instead of group sessions. The Center is known for being A Place of Hope. Go to our website and read the numerous testimonials of our clients. Located a few miles outside of Seattle, Edmonds is a beautiful beach town with majestic views. Rather you like the city life or the great outdoors there is plenty to enjoy during your time in the great Pacific Northwest.
View The Center in the Eating Disorder Specialist Library
Nestled in the quiet town of Redlands, California,
Loma Linda University Behavioral Medicine Center stands alone in its community as having the only Joint Commission accredited hospital-based outpatient eating disorder program. For almost ten years we have been providing treatment for adolescents and adults struggling with anorexia and bulimia and offer a safe and hopeful environment in which the individual can explore and examine the issues that contribute to their eating disorder. Our multidisciplinary team of experts helps individuals begin the healing process by addressing all aspects of the mind, body, and spirit using leading edge treatment. An individualized treatment plan is developed based on the needs and level of care unique to every patient that includes in part, dialectical and cognitive behavioral therapy, coping skills, nutrition education and monitoring, structured meals, spiritual care, as well as individual, group, and family therapy. For information about our programs and services,visit us at:
View Loma Linda's Programs in the
Eating Disorder Specialist Library
The EATING DISORDER TREATMENT PROGRAM at SeaSide Palm Beach specializes in helping individuals who suffer from a dual diagnosis or co-occurring disorders, which is when an individual suffers simultaneously from both a psychiatric disorder (like an eating disorder) as well as a substance abuse problem (like alcohol abuse or drug abuse). Most people are very surprised to learn that eating disorders have little to do with food. Especially when one considers that many people who suffer from eating disorders actually have an unhealthy obsession with food. In the majority of cases, eating disorders have more to do with a lack of emotional well-being resulting from their inability to identify and communicate their own needs and wants effectively to others. To find out more please call us 24/7 toll-free at (888) 432-2467 today for help!
CEDRIC Centre's sole purpose is to show you how to quickly and simply step free of the food and body image power struggle, forever. CEDRIC Clinical Counsellors all have longstanding recovery from eating disorders with specialized training in eating disorders, and related concerns such as alcohol and drug dependency, depression, anxiety and trauma. The CEDRIC Centre has many options for you to access their successful programs and resources, regardless of your location, budget and time constraints, including:
Individual Counselling worldwide (via telephone, internet, or in person at their Vancouver and Victoria BC facilities);An innovative and comprehensive Web Based Counselling program, providing the perfect blend of individual and peer support, teleclasses and lessons to move you quickly past your food and body image preoccupation; Individual Healing Retreats, created just for you; 3 day Intensive Workshops;CD's, DVD's, Workbooks; and The book, Food is Not the Problem, Deal with What Is! An easy-to-read complete recovery guide for stepping free of restricting, binging and/or purging forever.
View Cedric Centre's programs at the
Eating Disorder Specialist Library
The treatment staff at Rader Programs has been providing high-quality clinical programs for over 25 years. We specialize in the treatment of eating and related disorders. It is our mission to help save the lives of those suffering from eating disorders. The primary purpose of Rader Programs is to treat the dysfunctional behavior in a supportive environment. A staff of caring and experienced professionals, many who are recovering themselves, assist the affected individual and their family in developing a life long program for recovery. We recognize the complexity of the disorder and understand the medical, psychological, physical, and nutritional aspects of eating disorders. Our treatment approach is centered around the special needs of each individual and we are completely committed to help individuals achieve recovery.
View Rader Programs in the Eating Disorder Specialist Library
New Dawn is the only eating disorders treatment facility in Northern California that offers the full continuum of care for eating disorders recovery, from Residential Treatment, to Day Treatment, to our Intensive Outpatient Program and outpatient services. Each level of care utilizes a multidisciplinary approach with individualized treatment plans that address the medical, psychological, nutritional, and interpersonal needs of each patient. Our Residential Facility located in San Francisco offers empirically-supported, multidisciplinary treatment for adult women suffering from anorexia, bulimia, and binge-eating disorder. Located in San Francisco, we welcome women from all over the world to participate in our residential eating disorders treatment program. Unlike the vast majority of residential facilities in the United States, New Dawn Eating Disorders Recovery Center offers the full continuum of care necessary to complete the recovery process. This means that you have the choice for your core treatment team to remain constant as you graduate from residential treatment and transition into day treatment, intensive outpatient program, and outpatient services. At New Dawn Eating Disorders Recovery Center, we believe in accompanying you on the full journey of recovery. Such a journey allows for a deeper, more powerfully mutative process. For more information on our programs, please visit our website at For information on our Outpatient Programs, see our listing on this page under Sausalito.
Visit New Dawn in the Eating Disorder Specialist Library
Renfrew Center is the first and largest network of eating disorder treatment facilities in the country and has served more than 55,000 women in its 25 years. The Renfrew treatment philosophy emphasizes a respect for the unique psychology of women, the importance of a collaborative therapeutic relationship, and the belief that every woman needs to actively participate in her own recovery. The Renfrew Center provides a comprehensive range of services at its facilities in Connecticut, Florida, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, and Texas. Programs and services vary by site and include: Residential; Day Treatment; Intensive Outpatient; Group Therapy; Individual, Family, and Couples Therapy; Nutrition Therapy; and Psychiatric Consultation. Renfrew's training programs have reached more than 25,000 healthcare professionals to date and are designed to enhance the knowledge and skills needed to treat these complex disorders. For more information, please visit or call 1-800-RENFREW.
Puente de Vida treats Anorexia and Bulimia; males and females, adolescents (ages 15 and up) and adults who live locally, nationally and internationally. Offering individual therapy, nutritional counseling, family therapy, couples therapy, group therapy, support groups, inpatient, residential treatment center. Puente de Vida is a place where therapeutic services are offered to those ages 15 years and older with eating disorders, including those with co-occurring substance use and other disorders. A private six bed, home-like facility, located in beautiful San Diego, provides an excellent setting for the sensitive, inner work that takes place. Puente de Vida's treatment philosophy addresses not just the symptoms but also the underlying issues beneath the surface of eating disorders. An individualized treatment approach includes traditional treatment interventions as well as experiential treatment by our multidisciplinary treatment team. Puente de Vida recognizes that every recovery journey is different and complex and assists the individual in finding their unique path and support in recovery.
View Puente de Vida Programs in the
Eating Disorder Specialist Library
Featured Conference: Half-Day Conference on Trauma, Eating Disorders and Addiction
Timberline Knolls and Belmont Behavioral Health would like to invite you to hear two leading authorities on eating disorders, trauma and addiction.
Susan Merle Gordan, Ph.D., is the clinical program manager of the Mood & Eating Disorders Unit at the Belmont Center for Comprehensive Health and has an extensive background in addiction and eating disorders treatment.
Kim Dennis, M.D., medical director at Timberline Knolls Residential Treatment Center, is a nationally known board certified psychiatrist who specializes in treating young girls and women with eating disorders, addictions and co-occurring disorders.
WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 14, 2011 | 8 A.M.-NOON
PHILADELPHIA, PA I View details in your browser
8:30-10 A.M. DR. KIM DENNIS "Treating Trauma Beneath ED"
10-10:30 A.M. BREAK
10:30 A.M.-NOONDR. SUSAN GORDON "Hidden Population: Co-Occurrence of Substance Use and Eating Disorders"
***3 CEs have been applied for counselors, social workers and psychologists
RSVP by Sept. 7 to Diane Carugati, Professional Outreach Representative, Northeast/East Region, Timberline Knolls 215.882.3739
Book Drawing
Win One of 10 Free Copies of the Total Temple Makeover
To Enter: Please complete the contact form, enter "Total Temple Makeover" in message, and you will automatically be entered into our July 15, 2011 drawing! The Total Temple Makeover by Dr. Gregory Jantz with Ann McMurray
While the world reels with an ever-growing array of lose-weight-quick schemes, Dr. Gregory Jantz applies common sense and spiritual encouragement to lead readers on a reasonable, realistic path to healthier living.
Unlike the radical and even dangerous tactics that often captivate those who hunger for dramatic change, Jantz advocates a gentle twelve-week program, which considers the whole person, not just body weight.
This comprehensive approach incorporates scripture study, prayer, and journaling, as well as nutrition, food-consumption plans, and body maintenance with the intention of reshaping a person's self-image in addition to dropping inches in the waistline.
DVD Drawing: America The Beautiful
DRAWING ENDS September 1, 2011.Please complete the contact form, enter "America the Beautiful" in message, and you will automatically be entered into our September 1, 2011 drawing! America the Beautiful By Darryl Roberts
The United States of America is known for being one of the wealthiest nations on the planet with the most opportunities for its citizens. In 2004 alone, Americans spent $12.4 billion (yes, billion!) on cosmetic surgery. With such an abundance of wealth, why are Americans so discontent?
Too much television and easy access to plastic surgery are conventional answers, but they do not fully explain this national psychosis. These same images are found all over Europe and Canada, yet their citizens do not have this same obsession.
In almost 40,000 media messages a year, youthful Americas are being told that, unless you look like supermodels and rock stars, you're not good enough for anyone to love. This is a message that too many people are buying.
Filmmaker Darryl Roberts goes on a two year journey to examine America's new obsession; physical perfection.
Book Drawing: Beyond the Looking Glass
DRAWING ENDS September 1, 2011. Please complete the contact form, enter "Beyond the Looking Glass" in message, and you will automatically be entered into our September 1, 2011 drawing! Recovering from anorexia and bulimia is not easy or quick. But it is possible, especially when you receive understanding words and encouraging thoughts from those who know; women just like you who have struggled with an eating disorder.
This book is a collection of devotions, commentary and poems, written by Remuda patients and staff. Each is designed to offer insight into your pain and struggle, while providing hope for your future. Your journey to wholeness and recovery starts now.
This Christian devotional combines personal insights, short prayers, and biblical quotations to create a supportive and encouraging tool for individuals recovering from an eating disorder.
This book was generously donated by Remuda Ranch Programs for Eating and Anxiety Disorders
Spotlighted Events
August 26: International Association of Eating Disorder Professionals (iaedp) Dallas, Fort Worth Chapter Meeting. Guest Speaker: Brad Kennington, LMFT, LPC - Presenting "Suffering in Silence: Factors that Contribute to the Development of Male Eating Disorders.11:30 am @ La Hacienda Treatment Center Meeting Room, 1320 Greenway Drive, #135, Irving, Texas. Please RSVP by Aug 19, 2011 to: Shannon Devilbiss @ or 214.862.8049. More info on DFW iaedp chpt.
November 11-13: REGISTER BY SEPTEMBER 16th TO RECEIVE THE EARLY REGISTRATION RATE for the 21st Annual Renfrew Center Foundation Eating Disorders Conference for Professionals - Feminist Relational Perspectives and Beyond: The Next Generation. Offering 17.5 CEUs, this three day conference is for behavioral health professionals, physicians, nurses and dietitians. The event is taking place at the Philadelphia Airport Marriott, Philadelphia, PA from November 11-13, 2011. It highlights the exciting work currently being undertaken in many arenas including neuroscience, psychotherapy, genetics and technology communication - all of which have enormous implications for the theory and treatment of anorexia, bulimia and binge eating disorder. Topics include: Interpersonal Neurobiology and Feminist Relational Theory; Internal Family Systems; Ethical Issues; Family Based Treatment - Maudsley Method; Yoga and Meditation; Mindfulness; Merging Technology and Psychotherapy; Transgenerational Eating Disorders; Using Eating Disorder Research to Motivate Clients; and more. Keynote Presentations: The Mindful and Relational Brain: The Next Integration, Daniel Siegel, MD, Amy Banks, MD and Beth McGilley, PhD; From Princesses to Pop-Tarts: What the New Culture of Girlhood Means for Girls and the Grown-Ups Who Care About Them, Peggy Orenstein, author of Cinderella Ate My Daughter; and Mindfulness and Psychotherapy, Ronald D. Siegel, PsyD. For more information visit the Conference website at or contact Debbie Lucker at 1-877-367-3383.
Events Calendar
August 19 - 20: 2011 Rocky Mountain Eating Disorders Conference
Denver Marriott City Center, Denver, Colorado
Held in scenic Denver, Colorado, the Rocky Mountain Eating
Conference brings together distinguished experts in the field of eating disorders treatment to discuss the trends, developments and emerging best practices shaping the industry. Limited registration and an interactive educational program supports connection and collaboration among attending members of the eating disorders treatment community, including physicians, therapists, nurses, dietitians and advocacy organizations. Pending applications for 12.5 continuing education credits for various disciplines. Have questions about the conference or registration? Contact Sarah Gilstrap, Marketing Communications Specialist, at
720-258-4008 or
August 26: International Association of Eating Disorder Professionals (iaedp) Dallas, Fort Worth Chapter Meeting. 11:30 am @ La Hacienda Treatment Center Meeting Room, 1320 Greenway Drive, #135, Irving, Texas. Please RSVP by Aug 19, 2011 to: Shannon Devilbiss @ or 214.862.8049. More info on DFW iaedp chpt. August 26: 3rd Quarter BEST PRACTICES CEU Event on Friday August 26th from 9:00-12:00. The topic is Chemical Dependency and we have 2 amazing speakers lined up. Mandy Baker from The Ranch at Dove Tree will speak on Recovery Protection and Kevin Gilliland from Innovations 360 will speak on The Art of Change. Join us for networking, breakfast and some great information. The cost is only $35.00 in advance and $40.00 at the door. Seating is limited! Contact me for more information at
September 14: HALF-DAY CONFERENCE ON TRAUMA, EATING DISORDERS AND ADDICTION, presented by Timberline Knolls and Belmont Behavioral Health. WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 14, 2011 | 8 A.M.-NOON
Sept 15th - 17th: European counsel on eating disorders. Florence Italy. September 17: Eating Disorders and Psychotropic Medication with Dr. Yong Lee of Remuda Ranch. For more information, please call
1-800-445-1900 September 22 - 24 - Eating Disorders Research Society 17th Annual Meeting. Edinburgh, Scotland.
View further details on these events and those occurring through 2011-2012.
Featured Eating Disorder Research Program
The UCLA Eating Disorders Program is currently conducting a study of individuals with anorexia nervosa. We are interested in understanding patterns of visual and emotional information processing using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI).
The following are the basic inclusion/exclusion criteria for our study:
*13- to 30-year-old females or males with anorexia
*No psychiatric medications
*No major psychiatric diagnoses such as bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, or substance use disorders
*We will allow those with depression or anxiety (other than OCD)
We are enrolling individuals with anorexia who are underweight but in treatment, whom we will scan a second time after they are weight-restored (BMI≥18.5). We are also recruiting anorexics that are already weight-restored.
Individuals will be compensated up to $125.00
The study is conducted by Jamie Feusner, M.D., Michael Strober, Ph.D., and Cara Bohon, Ph.D.
Click here for an extensive national listing of Current Eating Disorder Research
MentorCONNECT is the first global eating disorders mentoring community. In addition to mentor matching services, we offer free monthly teleconferences with nationally-known eating disorders experts, weekly live moderated support groups, personalized recovery blogs and member pages, a 100% pro-recovery online community, and more! Membership and all services are offered on a no-fee basis. MentorCONNECT is open to members ages 14 and up, female and male. Our services support individuals struggling with the full spectrum of eating disorder issues. MentorCONNECT is a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation. - Looking for a job? We have everything dedicated to careers in the field of eating disorders. Find current job openings, career opportunities, continuing education, advice from the experts... everything eating disorders all in one site. For recent grads, seasoned professionals and students. Our mission: to connect job seekers with employers, to keep current professionals enthusiastic about the field and what it has to offer, and to guide students into careers where they can make a difference.
Thank you for being a friend of Eating Disorder Hope. We will continue to provide you with important information, resources and encouragement regarding eating disorder recovery in our newsletters.
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